[EVENT] Noob War - Level 10 PVPDec 27 2013 12:24AM

Tomorrow (27/12/2013 - Tomorrow on Friday) at 10:00PM (GMT/UTC) there will be a 'Noob War' this is an event where all the players make a level 10 characters and then we have 2 separate guilds. We will then war each other and fight to the Death in Elderine! The guild which wins will win prizes and everyone who participates will be eligible to claim the Attendee title on the forum by sending in a picture to me via PM. You can check the time out here: NOOB WAR EVENT

Maintenance AnnouncementDec 16 2013 4:31PM

A maintenance will be held today for the server, it will start at 4:00PM (GMT) and the end time is not known to us yet as it could take up to several hours or a day. Please bear with us while we fix these issues and ensure that the server can come back up without any problems, so that you can enjoy smooth gameplay. With this maintenance, there may be some patches that will be applied. If there are any problems or suggestions then please visit the forums for more information. Refer to: MAINTENANCE

Open Beta AnnouncementDec 10 2013 10:42PM

As you have all waited and supported us through our endeavours, some left and some stayed but now is the time we all come together because it's the time we open our doors to the public. After months of waiting I can proudly say that Open Beta will begin on Friday on the 13th of December 2013. Everyone will be able to join and participate in the open beta. Please keep in mind that open beta is for the public to test and give us their opinion and feedback for the current situation of the game, tell us if you like it and tell us if you don't but make sure to tell us why you don't so we can try and solve these problems for you and the other players.

Website Development Finished!Sep 22 2013 8:44PM

After a long time in development the site has been finally finished! I think we are all relieved that this day has come. You may be wondering why it took us so long to get the site up and working in such a condition and that’s because we have written the code from scratch all by ourselves. Thanks to our PHP coder Jean for all of his hard work and effort that he put into making the website as we wanted.

Core Fiesta - Development StageSep 01 2013 8:44PM

Core Fiesta is a Fiesta Private server which is currently in the development stage. It is being worked on by 3 developers and estimated to be released within one week. Core Fiesta, brings you the best experience possible with developers experienced in the field and always willing to listen to player feedback. Join us at the forums and stay tuned!

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Server Time:

12:24:05 PM

Exp Rate:

Medium (x20)

Drop Rate:

Medium (x15)



  • 1. Gott
  • 2. ausgesorgt
  • 3. ezserver
  • 4. xSasuke
  • 5. EgoIsMuss
  • 125
  • 125
  • 125
  • 125
  • 125



  • 1. AImighty
  • 2. Balam
  • 3. HYXYDO
  • 3315
  • 3003
  • 2714



  • 1. Eradicate
  • 2. WarPrincesz
  • 3. Extravagance
  • 37
  • 15
  • 15