What Makes Us Unique?Aug 17 2013 8:44PM

Core Fiesta, is one of the only Fiesta private server which is trying to be unique and different. We do this by creating new content and updating the game as much as we can, even though we are restricted by file limitations (at the moment). We create content which is fun and enjoyable; the server is also updated by you guys, the users, with feedback and suggestions so make sure to post on the forums and stay tuned!

Website Launch!Aug 16 2013 8:44PM

The Core Fiesta website has been launched. The website was designed by our superb designer MUCSKI ARTS. At the moment the website has not been made compatible with the game and we are looking into developing and finishing the website to be compatible with the game, allowing users to look at high scores, login and much more! Stay tuned for more news.

Forums are Live!Aug 10 2013 8:44PM

The community forums are now live! Go to the forums now and join us in our conversations, have fun meeting and talking to new people and give us your suggestions on how we can improve your game play experience for the live release! Take a minute to make yourself an account at the forums by clicking the community tab on the menu bar which is located at the top. See you there!

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Server Time:

12:14:07 PM

Exp Rate:

Medium (x20)

Drop Rate:

Medium (x15)



  • 1. Gott
  • 2. ausgesorgt
  • 3. ezserver
  • 4. xSasuke
  • 5. EgoIsMuss
  • 125
  • 125
  • 125
  • 125
  • 125



  • 1. AImighty
  • 2. Balam
  • 3. HYXYDO
  • 3315
  • 3003
  • 2714



  • 1. Eradicate
  • 2. WarPrincesz
  • 3. Extravagance
  • 37
  • 15
  • 15