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Everything posted by Ghost

  1. Yup, they were pretty much the only rare Item in game next to 60 Oranges. Always was something every perm worked towards but now there isn't really a feeling of accomplishment if everyone is running around with Blues.
  2. Of course there will be a cap raise, they even mentioned preparations for the raise in recent patch notes. 110 Skills were previewed a very long time ago so I'd imagine they'd add those as well. As for 110 Gear being farmed in Tower that's a silly idea when Burning Adealia exists and would be much more suited for dropping 110 Gear.
  3. Rest in Pieces 50 Blue Rarity, </3
  4. Ghost

    Economic Problems.

    Personally, money making being easy is something I dislike in servers. There isn't much feeling of accomplishment over buying anything, and money isn't worth anything. Copy/Pasting this from my other thread. If you ever check the marketplace, you'll notice that rarely is anything being sold or bought despite the player base being quite high. I think the reason behind this is most people don't need to sell anything to make money. With Elrues and OLT farming money is so easy that people can start out, make elrues, grind to 10x, farm OLT. They'll never really need to go buy anything from the market, you can argue they'll need to buy gear but a high abundance in gear can usually be associated with a high abundance in money. That being said the people that hold a lot of gear don't need to sell it because they already have more than enough money and there isn't anything they need to buy. In a economy without Elrues & OLT money would be much more valued and sought after which promotes the selling of items/buying of items and overall interaction between players. However, I'm not saying to remove Elrues & OLT. My suggestion is to reduce the amount made from Elrues down to 20s a stack, this drops the average from 6-10g made an hour down to 2-3g made from Elrue per hour which is a lot more reasonable. To help reduce the amount of money coming in from OLT It should be instanced with a key requirement to get in, the key would be in the merchant in roumen for 5g and it only lasts for one use. Players are making 30-60g an hour from OLT which adds up to gems coming into the economy daily not counting Elrues, this would at least make the economy more balanced where actual farming of bosses would be more profitable than Elrues or Mobs for money. When a player can make just as much afking elrues with no effort as someone putting work in to farm a boss something is wrong.
  5. iz the server on guys??? why cnt i connect?????????
  6. Lol these videos are probably the ones I'm most proud of though I have quite a bit of vids on my channel. Core Video Entry (Wanted to make it longer with more clips but didn't happen) The Best of Ghost (Just a compilation of all my videos over my first year of making vids) Selesnia (Project Eden) 49 Perm Fighter PvP (This was probably the stage where I was still learning how to switch, love rewatching it to see all the progress I made xD.) Odin Online 49 Perm Trickster PvP (This video was one of the most fun to make back on Odin there was so much competition between perms and most fights would go back and forth with no clear person being constantly able to beat the other, good times) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M3vNSj8Kdgc All of these servers are closed now though so... oh well, time to make new memories on Core .
  7. I'm still confused, how would someone not get scammed doing this? O_o
  8. Typing like that makes it really annoying to respond lol. 1) I already stated it has a time limit, not sure what you're getting at by restating that. This won't kill the purpose of other boss maps at the level, assuming this is implemented anywhere from the 36-76 range the only things that would be dropped here are Teva Weapons , 40 Blue Jewels, 48 Blue Jewels or maybe something new like 50 Jewels. People would still need to farm regular bosses for Drops, not everyone would like leveling here as they'd get killed often and couldn't handle it, and this is mainly to get the perm community more active. You're saying clicking a mushroom, clicking a mushroom, clicking a mushroom, clicking a mushroom to get a spade is hard? Anyone that chooses to participate in this has to level a perm, gear a perm, gather a group of perms, enter into the dungeon only to be met by other perms that they'll have to fight with. You tell me which is more hard. If you didn't notice, majority of actual perms that have been perms for a long time agree with the idea, funny isn't it? 2) That's a very strong generalization saying most people want to become higher level, look at the amount of perms there are that are just inactive. You can't really speak for what the developers do and why they do it, since you aren't one of them. Core is all about having new & unique content for both perm & capped players, I don't see how something unique to the server for perms that also can be used by new players to level and farm mats is anything but great. Also, sure this originated from Fiesta but this is Core there is no reason why they should follow down the same disastrous road Fiesta went down.
  9. This is copy/pasted from my other thread but this ties in with Elrues/Economy as a whole that you mentioned. In my opinion the current state of the economy can be related to the decline in perm chars. If you ever check the marketplace, you'll notice that rarely is anything being sold or bought despite the player base being quite high. I think the reason behind this is most people don't need to sell anything to make money. With Elrues and OLT farming money is so easy that people can start out, make elrues, grind to 10x, farm OLT. They'll never really need to go buy or sell anything in the market, you can argue they'll need to buy gear but a high abundance in gear can usually be associated with a high abundance in money. That being said the people that hold a lot of gear don't need to sell it because they already have more than enough money and there isn't anything they need to buy. In a economy without Elrues & OLT money would be much more valued and sought after which promotes the selling of items/buying of items and overall interaction between players. However, I'm not saying to remove Elrues & OLT. My suggestion is to reduce the amount made from Elrues down to 20s a stack, this drops the average from 6-10g made an hour down to 2-3g made from Elrue per hour which is a lot more reasonable. To help reduce the amount of money coming in from OLT It should be instanced with a key requirement to get in, the key would be in the merchant in roumen for 5g and it only lasts for one use. Players are making 30-60g an hour from OLT which adds up to gems coming into the economy daily not counting Elrues, this would at least make the economy more balanced where actual farming of bosses would be more profitable than Elrues or Mobs for money. When a player can make just as much afking elrues with no effort as someone putting work in to farm a boss something is wrong.
  10. Ghost

    Bet PVP.

    Lol, tbh I think it's easier if everyone is required to charm for a match. If both players are 70% Charmed, there's no discrepancy about whether or not they're fighting on equal terms.
  11. Green House has a time limit on how long you can farm, there isn't anything hindering you from farming & the rewards from GH are no where near as rewarding as my idea which incorporates Leveling/Mat Farming/Boss Farming/PvP all into one area. From the capped point of view sure it's unnecessary, but then again just how perms don't care much about higher level content capped players usually won't care about lower level content unless they actually have a low level. Capped players want new things to do, and perms want new things to do as well.
  12. Nice ideas on voting, I'll add them to thread in a bit ^^
  13. Bump, haven't updated thread in a while. Updated the "Deep Abyss" idea in Perm Content Suggestions Added new Iyzel Tower & Crystal Castle ideas in Perm Content Suggestions Removed some things that are Impossible/have already been completed from the list. Added General Economy Suggestion section with a suggestion on the current economy.
  14. Ghost

    Increase cap

    Magrite drops 108 blue jewels, not 110 gear unless they changed it. (If they did that's pretty stupid for mag to drop 100/108 weps AND 110 armor considering shes not even challenging) There's a development video of it somewhere, Psikens in KP are only supposed to drop 114 Psiken weapons but other servers make them drop 110 blues.
  15. Ghost

    Increase cap

    To put things in perspective, 110 Cap usually is the cap where ML and SL are the main Raids/Instances, because they've been released @ 105 cap there isn't anything to be released at 110 besides skills. So, if I had to take a guess 110 Cap will most likely be a lot more customized than this current cap. That being said I'd imagine they're working on the new custom instances for 110 Cap (check some recent patch notes, there's mentions of "preparations" for new instances) .
  16. 50 Blues can't be +10'd, B/O on shield was set to 6G if you're being serious and want to just buy it now.
  17. Was going for that Onyx but such is life
  18. Omg xD Luna implemented the scarf Idea
  19. I would've uninstalled after that and cried myself to sleep.
  20. I have two I think, whisper "Ghost" ingame
  21. Can you please stop spamming hate on my thread, 50g isn't much of anything considering it only takes a few hours of Elrue to make that much meanwhile you can farm for days on end and not see a single 50 blue. If you aren't offering, don't post.
  22. That's a poverty offer for the shield lol, and the offer above you was 6x higher >_>...
  23. That's a poverty offer for the shield lol, and the one above you was 6x higher >_>
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