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Posts posted by Skunk

  1. Re-equipping your weapon fixes this almost immediately, assuming you see statistical errors such as damage/defense. It's just a bug that's been around since the beginning of time on private servers and is actually more like to happen if you put on scrolls after charming. Sure it's a pain to deal with in the heat of the moment, but from experience this was always the quickest fix for me. Hope this helps. :v

  2. I get the nastiest lag when switching between weps/sets, it's like a 5 second delay in between and by the time my sets/weps have switched I'm dead. Other than that I don't get too many lag spikes.


    omfg this, this so hard.

  3. Server is located in Germany.



    Well here's your reason why folks.


    Source: Any other private server ran on a server located in Germany faced identical issues, used the exact same excuse (your internet, not mine lololol), and changed dedi's within a month.


    People all over the world are having latency/ping issues. Unless our ISP's are to connect to a signal sent out on a small plate on Farbod's roof, of course he'll have the strongest connection while everyone else pitter patters trying to find the lucky dish.

  4. It's been an ongoing issue that I personally thought would just go away. It seems to happen more frequently during peak playing times than not. It still happens regardless, we've been frozen still for 5-10 second intervals in major city maps, and even party instances. Biggest offender is Secret Lab, its as if there's too much to load for the server. It locks up players healing items and to be honest could very well be a part of the reason why certain rooms fail to load at random times thus ruining the entire run. Aside from that, at least consider looking into the logs. While I wouldn't think we'd have a problem with this average player count, you can't really rule it out either.

  5. Not sure what happened if it was a mistake or changed and not mentioned but the drop rate for the egg that gives 100 LN armor all of a sudden went way down or just isn't in the drop table.


    Before, you could guarantee a drop from the egg every time with a rant on. Just finished doing a few runs and no dice. Could someone look into this please? Thanks.


    Edit: Now after running lab one time, the key to open the cage for saving the kids doesn't even drop. And nothing dropped on the way down either. That key is 100% because it's part of the instance.

  6. Feedback seemed like the only place to put this as I didn't see anything titled 'suggestions'.


    Anyways, I'd like to ask about opening up Dark Land. I know eventually it will be but as of right now there's so many positive possibilities for it being opened. Such as license grinding on black bears because there's a huuuuge spot there versus the only one 'okay' spot in AR. 


    And of course money farming, people only go for 108 weapons in OLT right now but to have more spots than one available to farm those drops would encourage money farming. On the plus side, guilds would be more encouraged to farm money for their academy rewards giving new players and new people a little more money to start off and get them through financially in the later levels.


    It's only a suggestion, and I would assume you'd remove portals into other maps until you feel they're ready to be put in. It just seemed like something that could be added now with minimal effort and yet it gives us more things to do when we can't do party related things.

  7. Right? I can't be arsed with walking into a room where the tube and mobs don't spawn for whatever reason. I could give two shits about the drop rate, need that bug fixed before anything else. Because the rate could be 100% and if you can't get to the bottom over a bug then what good does adjusting the rate do?

    #boomheadshot #faithinfarbodD #wewillrebuild #sentfrommyipodtouch

  8. And unless someone dug into the files to see that said skills even existed on official, they wouldn't know. Hence why people refer to them as custom. So it's not really a matter of 'what I think' it's more along the lines of 'what the community was brought to believe'.

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