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  1. They're perm mounts with 285 speed if I'm not mistaken.
  2. Ummm my event suit (Blue denim shorts, etc..) from the snowflake event still isn't tradable.
  3. For the Ghosty suggestion, I believe it has been said the current rate is where it is because he has a chance of dropping 2 vaults (not sure but I think I remember this being said). Well, after doing about 15 runs of Ghosty myself I have yet to see ghosty drop 2 vaults, and the rate at which I get something from the vault is about 2/5 of the runs, with the other 3/5 being the Silver Coin. It should just give a 100% chance of 1 drop, none of this 'slight chance of 2 drops' stuff (assuming this is even there, like I said can't remember if this is true or not). Ghosty drops both skins and costumes/accessories so even with a 100% rate, it will be fairly time consuming to get what is wanted by those farming it, but at least it will be consistent and not left up to RNG if you even get a drop. For Badge/Noit suggestion, yes pl1z. Said this in another post (50_Calibers June Suggestion thread) the constant low, single statted badges is depressing. Larger icons for Thors/Skins (and vaults from ghosty) please.. It's annoying searching for them through the dusts and stuff. Random sales or limited time items or w/e in item mall sounds cool too. HC ML Jewels... Yeah. Incredibly rare, and for the most part, fairly underwhelming. You have to get pretty lucky on the stats for them to be worth wearing, and you get one... 2/5 raids? Maybe instead of HC ML dropping a wep and an armor piece, he can drop a Jewel and a wep. There's already 4 mobs (pirra/eury hc pirra/eury) that drop the ML armors, won't be missed much on ML. They should also have same stat-cap as Thors (80 I think?). Licenses - Core offers higher drop rates/exp rates so that grinding isn't nearly as exhausting as it is on retail. I hope to see this carry over to licenses, and make them easier to 1) Obtain and 2) level up. They're incredibly demanding in both those aspects with their low drop rates and how slowly they climb to that 80% damage, not saying make it climb a rank with each kill but should get a multiplier to its rate just like exp/drop rates got. Party exp boost system - Would be cool if this was changed around a little, so you aren't penalized for partying with people. With the way it's currently set up people just solo, and party with someone who isn't in the area to activate the boost (but this person doesn't partake in the leveling/grinding whatsoever). Maybe you could make it so exp isn't split between people and each person gets 100% of the exp. As of right now (or how I understand this to work) if 2 people kill a mob and are in a party, the exp boost applies to that mobs experience and then is divided between the two people. But if you kill a mob solo in a party, and the member isn't in exp range, you get the boosted exp and it isn't split. Maybe a better way to encourage people to party up and work together is to make it so exp isn't split, and both members receive the full exp. So say the boost is 20%, if 2 people killed something they would both get 120% of that mobs exp. And as zeph said, maybe make it scaling. 1 person - 100% exp, 2 people - 110% exp to each, .... 5 people - 150% exp to everyone (So a mob that normally gives 100 exp to someone of the same level killing it solo would give 150 exp to each of the 5 same leveled people in that party). Would make people more likely to party up with others when leveling rather than hogging a spot to themselves for maximum exp.
  4. I've mentioned this in a previous post, but Noit is currently in a horrid place. For the past week or so we've done, or at least I estimate this, minimum 10 runs of Noit a day. That's about 70 badges we've farmed the past week. To my knowledge, 2 of those badges have been good. Meaning 2 stats above 30. (not including int for non-mages, or str for mages) They have a cap stat of 70, yet out of the 70~ badges we farmed I've seen 4-5 with a stat that was over 40. Also, almost every badge is single statted. I'd say 60% are single statted, 39% have 2 stats, and then 1% have 3 or more. In my other post, you said that noit (and badge farming) will remain as it is. Well, maybe instead of changing how badges are farmed we can just change the badges themselves. Essentially what I'm asking is for badges to recieve the treatment that 110 drops got. Minimum 2 statted (this alone would help a lot), and make it more likely for them to drop with 3 or more stats, and for those stats to be above 30. I think 110 farming is in a great place currently, when before it was in the same boat as badges. I think it'd be a great change for badges to get the same exact changes as 110s recieved. I know this kind-of sidetracked from the original suggestion of HC Lab with higher level badges (which I think would be awesome to see, I'm always down for new content which involves farming) but I think it's really important that badge farming sees some type of change soon, whether its a new badge/way to farm them, or just giving them the 110 armor changes.
  5. -looks for tradable event suits- -cries-
  6. As far as I know the only untradable event prizes have been the Core Event Costumes from the snowflake exchange. Some other items that may not be tradable are the Scarf from that same event, or the costumes that drop from the phino vault. Also, they're may be event prizes from before my time that aren't tradable, not sure. The only one I can confirm is the 3 piece costume from the snowflake exchange.
  7. No, that's not what we're asking. We want the rate of Successes and Failures to stay the same; it's in a good spot. We want the probability that an item will downgrade when a failure occurs, to increase. For those unaware of how enhancing works in Fiesta, when you enhance an item 1 of 2 things happen; a Success or a Failure. A success leads to the item's enhancement going up by 1, or very rarely, by 2. A failure leads to multiple things: Nothing, breaking the item (prevented by red safes), and downgrading the item, meaning the enhancement value goes down by 1 (prevented by blue safes). What we're asking is that when a blue isn't in use, and a failure occurs, that the item is more likely to downgrade. NOT that the overall rate of failures is increased.
  8. This only makes it harder if you choose to not use the Blue safe stone & want your item to upgrade. When people talk about making it easier, they're generally talking about how often the enhancement succeeds and want this simply because of how expensive t5 safes are. But, with the addition of the 110 abyss, I think t5 safe prices are now in a good spot, and enhancing t5 is not nearly as painful as it once was. I don't have much experience with trying to downgrade jewels, on the few times I did try I managed to succeed most of the time... But I do think the % chance for a downgrade should be fairly large for when an item fails and no Blue safe was used.
  9. Basically, the point of this thread is a request to make all event rewards follow this, as this makes sense. If you win an event you should be free to do what you want with the rewards, until you use them and they become bound similar to all other CS items. The main purpose here is to make the Snowflake Event Costumes tradeable until they are used, as currently they cannot be traded. I believe everything else in this event (except maybe the scarf) was tradable as well, and only the Karen wings remained tradable after use. Personally, it doesn't make sense to restrict the people who invested time into the event to farm these costumes by permanently binding those costumes onto a specific character. If they spent the time & effort doing the event, they should be able to use the reward on whichever character they choose (or even give it to a friend as a gift, or sell it since maybe they don't need/want the costume but are in need of money. I don't see how these would hurt core in anyway). In my case, I was pretty restricted in what class(es) I played during the time of the event due to the low population, and in order to efficiently play the game everyone in my guild had their 'role' that they played. With this growing population (which is exciting!) I'm no longer needed in that role and was free to choose whichever class I'd like, problem is my supply of event suits has been left on a character that is hardly being used for anything anymore. And I'd really appreciate if I had a way to move these suits over and make use of the reward that I spent a good amount of my time in working for.
  10. Sorry to hear you dislike instances, but instances (That are well-done, meaning NOT NOIT...) are generally a fun experience for a player. For instance I think farming Lab is more enjoyable (and felt more rewarding) then just killing Eglack and Salare for gears. I like knowing that my hard work will be rewarded (Instances are generally a 100% drop) rather then dealing with something that has a chance at dropping what I want. But this doesn't mean I want a re-done noit type boss that drops something new, just going into an 'instance' and killing some super-tank boss doesn't require skill. You're just sitting there dmging it for nine years. On to the topic of these specific instances, currently the one the playerbase would get the most use of is DDF probably. There's already 3 bosses that drop 110 sets, and an alternative 110 set from the 11x abyss. No one's really asking for another place to farm those. (both sets have problems that should be looked into though!) And the amount of perms right now is fairly low, as far as I'm aware. Not saying they don't deserve these dungeons, but DDF is most likely the most wanted one. I have one problem with DDF though, I don't really see the need for a 115 armor set. A 110+10 armor set seems to be dealing fairly well with all the content currently available, and I feel a 115 set might just make players really really strong in a PvE sense (I know next to nothing about PvP so can't comment on this). Just a balance issue here that might not even exist, just my opinion from using 110 sets and having done all the high leveled content available.
  11. New weps: I agree on this, at 105 there is HC ML > ML > Lab > Magrite while at 114 there is Karen (Similar to HC ML) > UT (Similar to ML) > Psiken (Similar to Magrite). This is missing a weapon similar to Lab, I didn't play retail to this point so I'm not sure what that is there (assuming they have one) but I guess it's 1 of the 2 weapons Fitz mentioned, tho I'm not sure how those compare to eachother and the weapons we already have. Tbh I like having 2 raids for 114 weapons, similar to 2 raids for 105 weapons. Chimera is easily done daily, while Karen requires a lot of effort. Similarly, back before we got stronger from new gear and stuff from cap raise, ML was easily done daily while HC ML required a lot of effort and was sometimes skipped. It gives us something to do, and really separates people who are decently geared from people who are decent at the game. Anyone can slap on some decent gears and do ML or Chim, but for HC ML (tho not so much anymore since 110/114 gear makes this much easier) and Karen you need to know what you're doing. I enjoy this aspect of the game. SQ's have the correct attack rate. So far the drops have had the same attack rate as a green weapon of the same class, while UTs still have a faster rate. (Unless I completely misread the attack speed on either the SQ or Chim weapons, which is a possibility). For the armor I agree, I think an instance or something to get armors (and jewels! they are currently so boring/hard to farm) would be nice. I know Eglack/Salare were added in as a... substitute for an instance, but to be straight forward they suck. As far as I know, no one bothers to farm them. They demand multiple people to be charmed and ranted for a slight chance at being rewarded. I'd rather it be turned into an instance where the same amount of people could go in, beat it, and be guaranteed a drop or 2. People just farm Magrite because it's a similar drop rate, Magrite respawns faster, there's 4 magrites, and you can solo her without it taking too long. The negative of this is Magrites drop rate for Thor Jewels is incredibly low, and even though people want them, they still aren't willing to go and farm Eglack/Salare. I guess the abyss part is a valid point, but at the same time I don't see that as a problem... As of right now at least.
  12. Also it makes your aura not appear, or at least the auras from Focalor didn't try the 100 one from NPC.
  13. I'd really like to see some % on them, because they're just getting outclassed by other jewels at the moment. Even though they have the highest potential for base stats, in most cases the m.dmg/m.def on OJs and the occasional ML rings cause them to be much more desired than Thors. I think 3% would be great. It would give them that extra push to be good jewels for a capped person, while at the same time don't give as much as OJs/MLs but have higher stats. So it depends on the players situation.
  14. I disagree here. I think costumes should be DMG, DEF, or Crit. Not all just one. If it were all one, I'm assuming that stat would probably be Crit, and that would raise 2 problems. 1) Clerics & Knights (For the most part) gain nothing from crit (or dmg) suits, as they are focused on surviving. 2) If you reach/go over the max crit rate, any additional crit essentially becomes a wasted stat.. but you have nothing else to switch it to. Same goes for the other 2 (DMG & DEF), limiting all the costumes to just 1 stat would be a hidden nerf to certain classes. There's the occasional aim/evasion bonuses on costumes, but I have no opinions on those. personally I think they're useless but they might be good for PvP or something. Going off of Shiver's suggestion of making Red Sensei a dmg suit as we have very few of these, I feel that's the proper solution: More variety. Def/DMG suits/accessories are severely lacking compared to Crit suits/accessories. There isn't even a def scarf as Magier mentioned. I just think there should be more options. This may be a little excessive, but suits could just be 'repeated' as all 3 of those stats (meaning red sensei could be bought as a dmg, def, or crit suit) so people could wear whatever they want and not worry if it's boosting the correct stat or not, as they'd be able to buy the version of it they needed. Obviously there's a lot of suits/accessories available, so maybe an easier thing to do would be to just do this for the more popular ones or something.
  15. One more thing that Core is missing is a Pink Aura. This is critical to the level of satisfaction I get from the game, I need to glow pink. Thank you.
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