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Everything posted by Amor

  1. Amor

    Forum Skin

    1 each guys, these are $30 each skin :/
  2. I'm on Eu West name is Amor, planning to try Path of Exile and Yulgang 2 KR/JP version this sometime this week.
  3. Amor

    Forum Skin

    Don't like the forum skin? I've heard it here and there a couple of times, so if you don't like it then post here with your suggestion of a better skin. I don't mind our current one but I don't know what you guys like so post here which skins you want me to install and I will install every single forum skin for each and every one of your needs. You'll be able to choose between multiple forum skins at the bottom of the forum where it says change theme. So post here what you want and i'll install it. I won't uninstall it and install a new one or anything, 1 per person. Don't know how to find forum skins? Search on google for something along the lines of Ip Board forum skins. Ip Board is the forum software we use also referred to as IPB forums. Here are some websites I found which offer different skins, keep in mind I might be able to buy some and I might not be able to buy others and there are free ones also, so try to go towards the free ones please but if there is a very nice one which has to be bought then still suggest it. http://www.ipbforumskins.com/ http://www.skinbox.net/ Thanks. Best Regards, Amor Lead Admin
  4. Amor

    Black Fox Mask

    I think we'll slowly add all of the gamigo content one by one, so it'll be in there soon.
  5. If fighters can do it then so should archers, you've got a deal, haha. It doesn't increase the time you have the buff for though, I removed that and added this.
  6. Amor

    Black Fox Mask

    Screenshot doesn't work for me and which green dragon hat?
  7. Last week patch log did not arrive because I didn't have time to work on the server, this week I have mainly worked on the launcher, next week I hope to get the website ready for the public and fix any other launcher bugs that may appear. This is the patch log for this week: Game Updates: Removed Halloween objects and set the maps back to default. Removed all new instances for the time being. Added several new slime mounts to the mount merchant. Gave the level 60 job change zombies a poison attack effect so now you will be poisoned. Changed the 3 piece Korin Set effect to reduce the cool down of the skill nature's speed by 50% You shouldn't get the enhancement titles twice any more - needs to be tested. Set the Uruga lighting to be more dark as it has a better feel to it. Launcher Updates: Disabled Save Password settings. Added Time Remaining for current download in help window. Added total percentage for more than one download in the help window. Added more error handling. Made it more efficient. Fixed the downloading bars, it should no longer flash white. Also fixed the total download progress bar, it should work correctly now. Fixed several other bugs. Stability improvements. Coded the launcher updater. Re-coded the version system.
  8. Amor

    Korin Set

    Instead of increasing the effect or duration I have reduced the cooldown time by 50% does that sound good?
  9. Patch for the week ending 28/10/2013 Removed Merchant Moss Fixed Guild Tournament Fixed Guild Tournament member requirement text. Added the Halloween update. New Interface Uruga Map Theme + Music Roumen Map Theme + Music Elderine Map Theme + Music Fixed Merchant Pitt's Icon Fixed Merchant Rachel's Icon Rebalanced Exp Rates - Will need to be tested again. Removed Sand Hill and Bera scrolls from Merchant Balus. Started work on the new town for higher levels (Yet to decide which). Removed Sand Hill recall scroll from mob drops. Forum + Website Updates Fixed forum profile pictures, you can now set a profile picture again. Fixed annoying errors above each forum. Website is almost complete for public.
  10. Haha, I just practised a lot. And Ryaiken that's for the IPad I think, hence why it's slightly different.
  11. Can you beat my score? Third try. http://terrycavanaghgames.com/hexagon/
  12. I'm aware of this, don't worry about it.
  13. Amor

    This again. v.v

    Should be fixed now. I'm not sure why this is happening, I will have a look into it. Thanks. EDIT: Did you do anything in particular for this to occur? I know why it happened last time but this time I am not sure.
  14. As you all may know, there is word filtering in Fiesta to remove any 'bad' words. Now I want to ask the community, keep it there or remove it?
  15. As you may have known in Odin there was an instance called Green House, in this instance you could gather materials to craft scrolls, potions and stones. Do you want us to keep this or make it so that players have to venture out and gather the items themselves?
  16. Amor


    Thanks, it's been noted and it'll be fixed.
  17. Did this bug occur in odin or any other server? I don't remember touching anything to do with these zombies, but I will fix it anyhow.
  18. Amor

    Sand Hill

    Yeah, sand hill was removed in Odin, I added it again but I think I might remove it as no one really uses it and it's using up resources.
  19. Amor


    It was done intentionally, it's not a glitch.
  20. Amor

    Log in Bug

    Okay, it should be fixed now, thanks for your patience. If there is any other problems, please let me know.
  21. Amor


    Then it's fine. Only places with shops/merchants have been rendered untradable.
  22. Amor


    Does Collapse Prison 1 have any sort of shops/merchants or does it just have monsters/mobs?
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