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EXP Rates like Xeni?


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The way our experience system works is different, so we can't just make it 2x or 10x you see, but it will be adjusted accordingly so that it fits both users who like leveling up easy and fast and those who like leveling up slow and hard.

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I like the XP Rates, they're fast in the early levels that most people don't want to be stuck in and yet as you go further through it gets progressively slower and more challenging, the only thing I could think of is setting up a system of grinding spots where one spot is easy but with bad xp, one is moderate with decent xp and one is extremely challenging with the highest xp possible. A sort of with high risk comes high reward type system.


Edit: Also 2x XP Rates... As in only twice as fast as Gamigo... meaning a few weeks to cap? Nothanks.

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a private server is all about raiding, farming & pvping in my opinion, so i would prefer high rates that ppl dont stuck at lvls if they wanna start out with a glad, most of the ppl start mages cuz they got no other choice to get good at private servers.

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How the fuck does that work.. and I'm pretty sure it said it was 25x somewhere. No one would pick the slow option if there's a faster option elsewhere. `.`

Refrain from flaming , especially moderators/administrators. Rules are taken seriously starting this day , and if FarboD doesn't , trust me , I will use my mod tools.I believe this was a straight forward answer to your previous question :



The way our experience system works is different, so we can't just make it 2x or 10x you see, but it will be adjusted accordingly so that it fits both users who like leveling up easy and fast and those who like leveling up slow and hard.

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honestly it would not hurt for it to be a little lower but i only say that cause u do get the people who have no idea how to play a class and cause lvling can be too easy u may have a cleric who thinks hes a damage dealer... just saying...

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Thumbs Up if you think grinding is boring.


Seriously Hadouken says all.


I also agree with Hadouken, but for farming Chars its better too set all the Exp on 1 in Dungeons.


Mostly all Privat Server set the Boss Exp to 1, but if your farming about 2 hours you're mostly lvld up from 60 to +68 without a expboost, cuz u have to kill the other mobs for respawn. :c


So I would prefer a good Exp rate so everyone can also lvl without Mage, but less Exp in Dungeons. D:

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As someone who's already capped in CBT, I feel like the exp rate is fine at 80 - 100, minus the fact you need so much later on.

If you could just balance out the speed along with how much you need the rate would be perfect.

1 - 80 is really a breeze, with Abyss as main leveling source.

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Just no.

Private servers are suppose to be fun not another pay-to-level grind fest like gamingo. 

Add in the fact the rates are pretty okay

just including previous mentions such as abyss & outside mob balancing.


(Personal thought on the matter

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I would say make it about 6~9x Exp rates, I've been on a lot of servers before and this rate seems pretty good. If you work hard you can get to the cap in a day or so and its not that easy that you get to the cap in 1 hour and are left bored. Or like you said you could flucuate the exp in different areas to change the ways in which people level.

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