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Everything posted by martensmitil

  1. LOL u should have sold ur shield for 3gem to decay ghost ;(
  2. ROTFLMAO xD, Deviant always gets into trouble xD
  3. Boosie finally free

  4. you all a bunch of noobs that doesnt know how to pvp.
  5. Niggas full of shit like a baby diaper

  6. martensmitil

    Bet PVP.

    It is same.
  7. lol he didnt even put the amount that he'd pay
  8. I want to buy a full 49 A set ;c id pay up to 3gem if u have
  9. martensmitil


    VIVA la mexico amigos
  10. Nah xD youd be seeing to much of them around people would just spam ddm
  11. far the 55 one the boss, and the lower ones mini bosses, make the 55 one have op ass buff so that u can kill the small ones first , #justAnIdea
  12. an idea for the halloween weapons is if it was like mal, where it spawn like 12 hours after it dies but it always drop, so perms would raid it
  13. Theyre hallows ;o, teva are the 75 ones
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