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Everything posted by Zephry

  1. These Unlimiemo are retarded af. I don't even know why they bother coming here when the rules were already changed because they QQ'ed. Get fucked, big bois.
  2. Zephry


    If they don't remove stacking i'mma weapon glitch since Unlimiemo get's butthurt when we kite.
  3. Zephry


    ??? How are you going to OD us at birds when we kill them faster? We have 5 LH Axes? We can kill any of the 2 birds and bring down ML to half HP while you guys are still attacking one of em? If you guys don't care about ML, why QQ so much? And that reminds me, your GM's kept saying they were going to own ML on a weekend, instead, we got it. GG.
  4. Zephry


    So whenever we OD you guys(always) is this going to be a QQfest because you guys can't suck it up?
  5. Zephry


    Why you think we call 'em Unlimiemo? :|
  6. What is this....I don't even... LOL.
  7. Yeah, i've played a server where they removed the cast time for Archers Multi-Shot and made it Level 15. Was pretty darn awesome.
  8. Looking for more feedback on this.
  9. I don't see how we got into trouble, Marvin. We haven't done anything wrong. Kiting is always a secondary option but a last resort at World Bosses. Does not mean we abused any game mechanics because we did what a class can do. Now, unless you Unlimited fanboys want us to get super serious, would you like us to publish a video of you guys glitching Malephar and training it before?
  10. The thing is...ML is not even being poisoned or Force Slashed, just hit with purdy arrows.
  11. So ranged classes aren't suppose to do anything since they have kiteable skills? K. Emocial mad 'cuz he can't beat his parents. :c
  12. I don't see y u guise still QQ'ing? This happens like after every raid we win. You guys pull out your handbook of excuses and still claim you're better than us after we won. I don't understand mang. Insert some logic along those lines for once.
  13. LOL. Are these kids serious? Hahahaha. QQ'ing because they got outdamaged by a group of SS's. Even when it was being stationary tanked your pos Glads still got OD'ed by a party of SharpShooters. Get some ranged-classes? Excuses excuses. Do we have to show Farbod you guys glitching ML and training it to kill us before? Get moar dmg pls.
  14. Fitz is right, Wizard gets upgrades on Magic Blast as well on retail, although fine here since they get Thunderbolt anyways. Warlocks do need a boost in damage because I realized even with all my INT other wizard get a hold on more base damage than me(although could be just me). We probably have the lowest defense as well, Wizards having twice as much as us. There's also two sets that needs to be fixed: Sun Set and Gabriel Set effect for Mages. Sun Set is suppose to give a 25% Damage Boost to Magic Blast and Gabriel Set effect should be switched to a damage skill that is lower than 55. That change to Magic Blast would be nice though. qq
  15. Zephry


    Oh boy. You must be new to Fiesta terminology. x:
  16. Probably more than 100 trillion. D:
  17. Zephry


    Alot of people afk'd there on Retail. Not very new, LOL.
  18. Forgot to add vsauce and RoosterTeeth. D:
  19. Having a character that can do AOE damage is nice, but it shouldn't be limited to just those classes. One can argue and say Fighters have two aoes as well, but takes more time for them to kill all the mobs at once. Same goes for Trickster and Clerics. OP doesn't want to feel obligated on making a new character for gaining money to buy things he need. It shouldn't be easy but it also shouldn't be hard since it's a pserver.
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