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Everything posted by Shiver

  1. By "Non-NPC" Mini Pets I mean the marriage pet and the treasure chest mini pets. These include: - Mini Couple Lulu (marriage pet) - Mini Slime (treasure pet) - Mini Kebing (treasure pet) - Mini Honeying (treasure pet) Currently all of the treasure chest mini pets have +1 to all stats and the marriage pet has +2 to all stats. This doesn't balance out with the mini pets available in the NPC that have +10 to all stats, which make the treasure chest and marriage pets useless. I would say at least make them equivalent to the NPC pets or even change what effects they give to make these items more than NPC or ground fodder.
  2. I agree and would also like to submit the idea of putting a "last login" date for both academy and guild. ~.~
  3. 1) I've seen rangers roll through people in full +9 gear. What exactly are you basing this on? 2) Agreed. 3) (see below) 4) I'll agree with this provided the fear duration isn't ridiculous. Maybe a couple of more seconds. A ranger shouldn't be fearing at mage level by any means, you have all those other entraps to fall back on. 5) Amen, but that's not the only nerf i'd say they need. 6) Which classes and only hp stones or sp stones as well? Pretty much this, Para already admitted it was a joke. Sharpshooters have less eva than Rangers do which is why our 100 passive, that has yet to be released, is a dex boost while running.
  4. Shiver


    Alrighty then, Neil has been kind enough to make us a little chat spam thread here:http://fiesta.core.ms/forums/index.php?/topic/662-deviants-randomness/ So head on over to it if you wanna chat and please only post here if you have inquiries about the guild or wish to apply. <3
  5. Oppa, Neil, and I all sporting the jellyfish siggies.
  6. Except me... Q~QComplete BB lisc on my bow. Anyway, I would point out that I don't see very many low level licenses at all. With how many times I've leveled characters at archon juniors you'd think at some point I would have acquired a lisc for them, but I've never even seen one drop. I've seen more magrite and giant caiman licenses, and those are useless boss ones.
  7. I have always wanted this to be a thing. With Tears of Legel in game the Guardian rebirth is subpar and therefore not highly valued. If the rebirth did in fact restore buff/scrolls it would be a major improvement for the class and make their revives better than the normal revive used by HKs.
  8. Shiver

    Aura glitch

    Yeah mine returns to red everytime I login despite it looking correct on the character select at times.
  9. Type: Skill Description: The exact same bug as before, the fix that was applied seems to make it harder to negate the effect, but people are still completely avoiding the silence on neutralize by spamming skills at the beginning of the silence. - Previous threads that explain situation - http://fiesta.core.ms/forums/index.php?/topic/325-neutralize-duration-bug/ http://fiesta.core.ms/forums/index.php?/topic/326-disarm-skill-bug/
  10. I don't mind Crusaders as long as they don't bring the removal of auto-attack stacking and an attack rate decrease with them.
  11. You could put a delay on guild rejoin sorta like the 1 hour academy delay but opposite. Say after you leave a guild you can't join another for 12 hours. That would prevent the guild jumping issue.
  12. On topic... Now that Kisu is gone I have no one to threaten my life when I ask for things. :c But in all seriousness, Kisu's departure is no laughing matter. We've lost an excellent and loyal player today because of something that never should have happened in the first place. And that truly is sad.
  13. In retail stacking and attack rate were somehow connected. So when stacking was removed attack rate decreased. Doesn't sound like a big deal unless you are playing an attack rate based class like sharpshooter. The attack rate on sharpshooter was decreased by so much that having a fast attack rate was useless and sharpshooters had to start picking weapons based on damage rather than attack rate. (ie switching from Untruthfuls to Karen at 114) With their attack rate being useless and their damage not being the greatest even with damage oriented weapons, sharpshooters basically died out. The Crusader patch was a nail in the coffin for an already almost dead class. So yeah, I apologize for disliking Crusaders. It has little to do with stacking or the class itself and more to do with the attack rate. The only solution I would be okay with would be either to somehow add Crusaders without changing attack rate or if the attack rate is doomed to be nerfed then boost the damage on attack rate oriented classes so that the lack of rate doesn't have any effect on their damage output. Well... didn't see this before I typed a bible of text.
  14. Glow on shields disappears once you equip a skin. :c
  15. Shiver


    *o* Yespls. Definitely not a bias answer from someone who mains an archer.
  16. Shiver


    Clear is life. Clear is love.js.
  17. Shiver

    Mini Mal

    Remove Mini Mal from game pls. jk, I actually agree, it should have stats.
  18. Shiver


    I approve of your icon choice Oppa. <3
  19. Agreed.I understand the staff have lives, but we really need at least a restart. .-.
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