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Everything posted by Trepidation

  1. Trepidation

    Idea list

    To be honest unless Far wants to get all new files or build a new server from the ground up, 80% of this stuff can't be implemented. Songs would be a copyright issue if the owners found out. I kinda like the pictures though.
  2. UPDATE 9/3/2014: For those of you who actually read the forums, just to spread the word, Heretics will only be accepting clerics (both HK and guards), gladiators, tricksters (both reap and spec), and well geared SS's. This does not apply for those of you who lvl through the academy and are active. And by active I mean you cap in a reasonable amount of time, you're on every day/every other day at least a few hours, you farm, and you know wtf you're doing. I will be cleaning out the guild of people who cannot comply to that. However, as the rules state, if you have school/work and do not want to be banned, you need to please let us know. I am willing to work with you if you can communicate effectively with me. Thank you for understanding and thank you those who took the time to read this. Heretics5ever #twirknation
  3. I think the problem that everyone including myself had was we were under the impression that everything you promised was going to happen at once, so when you did the patch we all expected the 76 aura instance/cap raise/possible shard skins and when it didnt happen and no one told us what was going on or why we all ran around like chickens with our heads cut off.
  4. Since the lastest patch the weapons shine doesn't show through the dualsword weapon skins anymore. I havn't seen this bug with any other skin but these. without skin: http://prntscr.com/4hwf2o With skin: http://prntscr.com/4hwf5g
  5. 65 cleric halloween sheild gives like half the def of a 60 white sheild. dafuq.
  6. ^ what that guy said. Also thought there was suppose to be a seperate aura instance for 76 perms with the 5% auras.
  7. " Time heals, time congeals around us. Endless hours of wasted moments. Understanding, not demanding. Your eyes tell what you feel inside."

  8. UUUUUGH I missed this event; which is one of my favorites ;-; Nice suggestions though.
  9. heeeeeyyyyy Welcome to Core c:
  10. She wasn't fit to run a guild the first time around and yet 80% of Talos's members still followed her again, which I never understood, and I know about you being master now, but I wasn't told or had anything explained to me before hand. My only line to Rebellion was through Brandon, who told me nothing about anything except that Luna had no power in the guild whatsoever. I like to at least stay updated on the guilds i'm allianced with. That's why I was so pissed off, because I was lied to and kept out of the loop.
  11. I had made an alliance with Rebellion, to which I was told Cyanide was owner/Brandon co-owner, and that a certain someone was "nothing in the guild". Pretty sure adminship isn't nothing. This was taken on August 12th. back? Meaning she was leader at one point, meaning she was owner of the guild in the beginning as I thought from the start but was told that someone else owned it. Oh and thanks Luna. Screw you too. There you go Brandon.
  12. Screw all of you, and screw your lies.

  13. Trepidation


    Welcome to the Heretics recruitment page! Heretics is a relaxing, fun, and drama free sanctuary for anyone who just wants to chill and have fun. Just alittle info for your face: -We are non warring. This may or may not change in the future, however for right now I prefer to keep my members safe from attack while we farm/gear ourselves. -As of right now, any classes are welcome. (check post down below) -Guild is now 90+ -I will try to preform some acad/guild events! This will continue as long as I keep getting suggestions for events (because i'm gonna run out of ideas eventually) and have people actively participating! Rewards will be things like money, gear, cash shop items for those who need them, things of that nature. -I will also attempt to do little event promotion type things for recruitment. For example, an event based of how many people a certain person invites to the guild or attracts to the academy. I and the admins will keep log of who invites who, and at the end of the event, the person who brings in the most active players will get some kind of prize like a large sum of money or free rare/godly gear. PLEASE NOTE: As fun as all this stuff sounds, this will not be a daily thing! I like many people, have to work a job. I do not have much of a social life outside the internet cx (#foreveralone) so don't worry about that, but I do have some days where I will be gone for most of the day. HOWEVER, I will have special people put in place to take care of things while I am away and if you ask nicely maybe they'll do events as well. RULES: 1. This is my biggest rule and the one rule I will not tolerate people breaking, not even once. NO. DRAMA. I don't care who fucked with who, who did what. I DONT CARE. I DONT WANNA HEAR IT IN MY GUILD CHAT. I DO NOT WANT IT TO EFFECT THE MEMBERS THAT ARE NOT INVOLVED. IF YOU WANNA CAUSE SHIT, KEEP IT IN WHISPER. If you break this rule, even once, even A TINY LITTLE BIT, I will ban your ass before you can say banana. 2. DO NOT BE A BULLY. This goes for people even outside our guild. If someone messes with you, you are entitled to stand up for yourself in whatever way you need to, but do not go around harassing people because you think it's fun or you have something to prove. If I hear about it, you get the boot. Treat others how you wish to be treated. (This doesn't mean you can't fuck around with friends though, lord knows I do it.) 3. BE ACTIVE ACTIVE ACTIVE Not saying you have to no life the game every day, you're welcome to do go your own thing, but if you're afk all day or just not even on for days on end, I can't have that. You're just gonna be taking up space. If you do have a laspe in activity for whatever reason, please just let me or another admin know so we know not to boot your tushy. 3. RESPECT YO FELLOW MEMBERS This kinda goes along with the bullying thing I guess, but I just want to make this apparent. I have nothing against people having fun but please make sure you're respecting each other. If you know something bothers someone else, please don't do it. Everyone is entitled to their opinion and everyone has feelings. Please keep that in mind. 4. RESPECT MY AUTHORITAH If you have a problem with something I do as leader, just whisper me. I'm open to suggestions on how I can be better, but don't be an ass. 5. IF SOMETHING IS FARMED AS A GUILD YOU CANNOT SELL WITHOUT PERMISSION I understand everyone needs to make money, but we also need to grow as a guild, and I do not promote greed. If you are in a party with guild leader, they will pick up the drop. If you are in a stickly guild farming party without leader, anyone can pick up the drop. Extra drops that you do not need (remember to think about gearing your main before you start a million alts), should be put in guild storage. IF AND ONLY IF the drop is not likely to be used by anyone in the guild, then you may sell it WITH MY PERMISSION. And no, you do not have to put all the money earned back into the guild, but I ask that you at least put some of it since it was farmed as a guild and it helps me out with the academy. The only exception to this rule is if you farmed with a party who is not part of our guild. Then the option to put anything into guild storage is strickly up to you. (I really didnt think I needed to make this clear but apparently I did.) LEADER: WraithWrath/Lateralus/Salival ADMINS: Glitchy Trepidation HealerGoddess Mr_Cat Kyanga Happiness If you would like to join Heretics, please whisper any of these in game, or leave a message on here, I check forums periodically. Alliances: N/A I will not merge with any guild. I have never had a good experience with merges, however if you wish to form an alliance with Heretics, whisper me in game. UPDATE: Heretics is getting bigger and bigger and as such I'm going to need more "right hand" people. AKA, admins. I usually don't like giving admins positions away willy nilly, but as my original "right hand man" has gone back to college, and another back to school and whatnot, I will be taking applications for admin positions. These need to be people I trust, and people who can be professional. People who can stand by me when I need them. I don't fuck around with this stuff. At any rate, if you would like to apply as an admin, please fill out the form below and either post it here, or simply PM me with it via skype if you have me added. If for whatever reason you rather skype me with it and do not have me added, whisper me IG and i'll add you. APPLICATION: IG name: Time Zone: Hours online per day: Why you wish to be an admin(please don't just say "because I like to be helpful" I want to know how you'd help and why): Additional Info(i.e. if you have ever led/admined for a guild before, if so which guild(s): Skype ID(can pm me with this if you dont want the public to see it, if you dont have a skype that's fine, just makes communication easier if you do):
  14. I'm not sure when talking shit and bullying became something common people wanted to strive for, but it's made me kinda sad. :c

  15. Please just shut up. c:

    1. Sanguinary
    2. Trepidation


      Not you love D: Just the people talking shit because it makes them feel better. They need to go out and get some self esteem. :c

    3. Sanguinary




  16. Trepidation


    Era house party. #Era5ever #sweeg
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