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Everything posted by Fawn

  1. Either THIS one. (Because the patch before was the fix for it.) Or THIS one. Because it's most recent or maybe because Archers got a dmg and eva buff on this patch. D: I didn't test it during that first patch I linked so I'm unsure exactly which.
  2. Fawn

    Pvp KQ~

    Agreed there needs to be a reason to join. D8
  3. Totally agree with your end statements about flowers and Binding, I like what the flowers do on this server but I agree the duration is really crappy. I kinda wish that the debuff duration were empowerable or something. But it's hard when it comes to the attack rate stuff and damage. Because although we have higher attack rate than rangers it's only like .3 seconds longer which isn't half. Yet they can easily double SS dmg. I think upgrades in AP are best with SS being 1v1 specialists and the non upgrade is still essential for rangers. ( And also still throws their dmg with AP on way over SS ;-; ) Although the topic seems pvp based I'm just saying with my skill build my aoes hit Baby Phouches for like 1.6k and rangers drop for like 4k Q___Q..................... This just makes it more apparent to me that it's Glads that need a nerf. Lol.
  4. Also the girl posting about Rangers being 'weak af' Rangers are more about survival and control. They have better defense mdef and stuff where as SS get better str. In pvp they have great control with their traps and root. Although they all have 45s cd if you time them right with binding you can keep a target annoyed for quite a while. Rangers also specialize in AOE and by their AOE traps they'll excel at group pvp. Being able to silence or fear multiple targets will be really useful. And Hide mode is too impressive by itself as a skill. So do they need more dmg to help them Kill ppl? Nah, they double SS dmg already and with Annihilating Power they're doing almost double that. The one change that Rangers need is 100% hit rate for Binding.
  5. This ends tomorrow for anyone who forgot because you know this lasted SOOOOOOOOO LONG. D8 The event duration was just way too long imo. :<
  6. The last level Evasion buff for archers at level 89. Description reads; 'Increases Evasion by 100'. But when used only increases Evasion by 80.
  7. Fawn


    ^ That. Join Deviant Academy nubs <3
  8. I know it was fixed 100% before because Shiver and I tested it. So maybe the fix stopped working or got messed up in one of the latest patches or something. :s
  9. Fawn


    Quickly Farbod nerf fbz so we can get rid of this nuisance.
  10. Notice how all these Mages are complaining about their fight vs Gladiators? A mage with decent aim will wreck me. ESPECIALLY a WIZ. If a wiz lands just one Ice Field I'm fried in AOE no chance. Even LOCKS kill me in aoes after a successful Ice Field. :T Especially since aoe's don't scale from aim and eva after the initial drop. And I'm in all +9 jewels/badge. Also my evasion is rather good. I'm not saying mages are OP I'm saying I think they're rather balanced in comparison to Archers I stand a chance if I can survive and get some skills off I'm saying; maybe it's Glads that are in need of a nerf in this case. (but be prepared for the qq) Are you talking about hits with mb or with aoes cus MB is kiteable instant cast AND instant cd AND you want it to hit like a truck?
  11. I wouldn't mind getting updated files but losing stacking is why I quit Gamigo.
  12. Fawn


    Quickly Farbod nerf Spectre's so we can get rid of this nuisance.
  13. Yup tested and if you just spam after you put your weapon back on it poofs just like before. ;=;
  14. Ahh you're right, I didn't think of that. D8
  15. No I mean giving it the normal 12hour reset. Like normal male raid but guild instanced.
  16. Fawn


    Farbod doesn't know how to roll back. That's why there hasn't been one yet. And why he went through these stupid ways to remove some of those MLs that were farmed. that people spent and entire day farming, hours upon hours. What happened earlier is unprofessional-ism at it's finest.
  17. About that instanced Malephar being gone now. I kinda of think that if you were going to keep that, you should just run it like normal Malephar but guild instance it like Noit, but give it the same respawn timer. So we'd still have to wait 12hours for it to respawn but the whole guild could enter. Just a thought. Or at least turn Male back on respawn. -.- otherwise there's not much to do.
  18. Boost to Archer dmg and Evasion o: Ty for that~ Dunno if that is considered small but it's something not listed on the patch.
  19. Fawn


    Sorry I don't see a rules thread on this sub section. But ok, lmfao.
  20. Fawn


    Binding just as in retail has 80% hit rate. :T I agree, not sure why this isn't 100%. And just like Shiver said there's no blind flower instead you get fear and shock which is like being silenced. And each flower has it's own separate cd and empower capabilities.
  21. Fawn


    I've been talking about ' you know what would be cute in this game ' for years now. When you're making cute lolipops Luna maybe try out some cute face bandaids. Like one on the cheek *~* Or cutsey whiskers like my Forum profile picture! Or maybe a scar! SU MENY THINGS U CEN DU
  22. Fawn


    Lol, so hostile. But Deviant has been doing Noitome. And it doesn't matter WHAT you're doing it for, fact of the matter is; that it drops all those items and whether you are 'going' for it or not they still drop and they still have to be taken into consideration when it comes to asking for an instance cd reduction. And it was honest feedback you got, if you don't want honest feedback maybe steer clear of posting in the feedback section. Lmfao. Shabam^
  23. Delicate Ensemble. __________________________ Simple and comfortable, a tidy look that's perfect for Autumn or early Spring. Ooo~ So fashun. Spoiler for Back version: __________________________ Wouldn't thin but big circle glasses or a cute head bow with stats like the one from the Alice and Wonderland costume be so cute to pair with outfits? D: Inspiration from a few tumblr pictures, lol.
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