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Everything posted by Parafrost

  1. Parafrost

    50 blues

    Ew no lower the drop rate... just no :l. Take it out of tower pl0x
  2. Probably when the server is up. Might get some skins back.
  3. Parafrost

    50 blues

    Add them into honeying kq if they arent alreast. Make the vault have a 5% chance of giving a blue. Rants dont affect the drop rate on vaults so it should be ample
  4. and add a instance since Regular mal will be obsolete once HC mal is added.
  5. Ohh cards yes but not like the cards on infinity... those were op beyond op .
  6. And tiperath skins :<. I like the 1h so much z.z....................................................................
  7. Come on fitz you know you want a golden horse head with those stats ;D
  8. Probably take out the hp and keep the crit and stat bonuses.
  9. You can edit skins and things such as glows. Since that doesn't effect the server as a whole. Just don't modify it like making the edit button not dc you or anything that bypasses security measures.
  10. Still though z.z. Those were nice stats on the costumes. Made them useful but not too op... Just like the tiperath skins and paradox skins which had 20% dmg and 25 to each stat if i last recall.
  11. Thats how they were on selesnia . 6% to each stat and 10 str/end/dex/spr/int
  12. Also, make the geo mace and hammer a little better ;<. they look...... meh... just not very appealing to look at :0
  13. Id like the post but im at my limit for the day :<
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