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Posts posted by Zephry

  1. I personally don't think the levels need to be changed. SL is already incredibly easy at 110. I'd hate for it to be even easier and less "entertaining". Same with LN for 105. It's just my personal preference to keep things slightly challenging for the sake of keeping amused. lol


    The reason why LN and SL are so easy here it's because when a party do it, most of them are 70% charmed, full suits, ext, etc. 


    On Gamigo Fiesta no one hardly runs SL because it's too tough at the starter level (100) and the drop rate sucks. 

    Now as a level 115 (Can confirm this myself lol) it's easy af to do solo uncharmed. The damage difference from a Psiken/Nightmare Queen/Succubus Queen/Lava/Arena weapon and 110-114/115 gear makes it so.


    A real challenge is seeing how a veteran party can do it on here uncharmed w/o exts on the already easy game server.

  2. So, following from what other players have been talking about, this small list here is what needs working on and if possible implemented when time is free to do so. Sorry for it being a long list.


    -Hardcore Malephar Birds (Mini-Bosses) need their Magic Damage nerfed. They shouldn't be hitting a mage with 12k mdef for 9k or so. 


    -Make Hardcore Malephar have a 100% chance of dropping weapons. Sometimes he doesn't and just drop a piece of gear instead. What would be better is for him to have a 100% chance to drop a weapon and 110 ML jewel. Make the chests that spawn after his defeat drop only ML gear and 110 ML jewels. From what I saw, they also have a chance to drop LH weapons (The weapons that come from normal ML.)


    -Lair of the Focalor Boss: Focalor of Magic needs her Magic Damage nerfed and Special AOE skill re-worked. The range radius needs to be shorter. It shouldn't be map wide where even clerics get caught. The animation of it is bin-worthy. And by bin-worthy I mean lots of lag and high chance to close the client.


    -Helga needs his healing buff nerfed. His magic defense nerfed. His defense debuff nerfed. Also, he's a 119/120 boss or so but the level range to enter the map is 90/95-110. Either increase the level range to enter or lower his level. And there comes great difficulty in killing him already. 


    -Adealia mobs and Kahal mobs (Mainly the Depraved, Tornadoes, and Lich's) need re-working.


    -Leviathan Nest should be 90 -110 like Gamigo. 


    -Secret Lab should be 100 - 115 like Gamigo.


    -Mounts should be able to be used everywhere, including in maps like Temple of Shadows and all instances.


    -Nerf Noitome Lair's boss Noitome by magic damage and/or HP. The badges he give out are not very much of worth and so the boss should be easier by this standard.


    -Boost drop rate of blues from Izyel Tower and Crystal Castle.


    -Boost drop rate of weapons, 65 gear, and 60 OJ's from Death Knight's Lair.


    -Decrease mobs difficulty in Death's Knight Lair where it shouldn't require two tanks to kill the last boss.


    -Change Death Knight's Lair location. Somewhere like Uruga.


    Thanks for reading.

  3. As you all know, our population is slowly dimming down back to how it was before the 'The Rise of Karen!' hype.


    This is merely a suggestion but a way players join servers is either through advertisement or fan sites (like Top of Game). And no, I'm not suggesting forced voting on the launcher as that is improper business ethics (or something like that).


    My suggestions is to get back our base population:


    Vote for Coins: I've seen this on other games and servers where a player logins into their account and once on it they can go to a voting section and vote from Top of Game, GTop100 and etc. I believe the same can be done here. With a medium of 100 coins every 12 hours?


    Voting Events: Like on Official Fiesta, they have these events where if they hit a milestone on their Facebook likes (for example 100,000) they hold a weekend or weekly exp/drop rate boost. I believe this can be implemented with how many votes we got on Top of Games or GTop100. (I remember when we had a drop rate boost back when the server launched after OBT)


    More Video Events: We had video events before to advertise the game (Core Online) I don't think the prize has to be grand or big, but more of these events should be done to promote server awareness throughout Youtube and other media sites.


    Thank you for reading. : )


  4. No no no no no no no no no that would make them op as fuck. The main problem with Fiesta in general, specially if you look at official is lack of escape moves and gap closers. In well balanced games ranged class has CC and escape moves to stay out of range, infact range class has lower base speed than melee for balance sake. Melee class in turn has gap closer and CC to catch ranged classes. This create a nice balance of counter play. What Fiesta is mage has everything escape and CC while archer has nothing. And melee beside glad and reaper has no catch what so ever. Even glad's dash is pitful as long as the mage keep 1 CC for that dash it useless. Not to metion wizard and their blink -.-


    Although one way giving mage/archer more movement speed is to make none of their skill kitable, than they can have more movement coz they have to stop to use skills.


    You understood, a tad. But thought of it your own way.


    I'm not asking for anything OP. But the reason mages and archers die so quickly is not because they don't have disables (both classes have plenty, especially Warlocks and Rangers) is because when they kite or use a skill while moving, their speed decreases and that enable Melee classes to catch up faster than expected. 


    It's either people accept others using 5 - 10% Speed Scrolls while PvPing, or have a class running speed increased.

  5. No. Malephar's spawn time has always been 12 hours. This sort of thing is impossible to do just to accommodate to one player's time zone. Wanting to help your guild or not, this setting has always been in place for years. 


    It's also a slap to the face to players who would wake up throughout the middle of the night just to raid. ML gears are the best you can get right now and it shall remain that way till cap raise prove us otherwise. Other then that, a better suggestion would've been making a KQ off of Malephar, since the instance version was way too easy and ruined the point and countless hours people have put into getting ML's.

  6. I don't think eva works how it's suppose to. For a person with 1.4k aim hitting me with 2.1k eva on my Ranger in full ML, that shouldn't be happening. 


    As Farbod said, with a Korin Set you can keep up Nature's Speed forever. 


    What archers could use is a bit more def and increase in running speed. ( Which I am tempted to use 5% Speed Scrolls for. )

  7. I'm also going to complain now that the nerf to badges being max stats of +30 is ridiclous when our jewels hit beyond that.


    I understand trying to keep balance but it's insane when you do a 20-30 min Noitome run and get a INT+17 DEX+8 HK Badge. It's not even worth the doing the instance for like the previous times.

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