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Everything posted by FitzChevalerie

  1. FitzChevalerie


    How do we know if we are accepted once we have sent application ?
  2. After some hours farming some hours in Graeyard of Dead and CP, I can say drop rate is close to gamigo's when you do not use rant. I can kill 10 zk's without even a ring e.e With a rant you get good drop rate, but you shouldnt have to buy a rant at low level.
  3. I did 2 runs and outleveled qq got some nu b vanish pants
  4. Are charm of strenght and Charm of defense stackable with charm of might 20? (for 40%)
  5. I had 5-6 spade in 1hour mining. perhaps you are just unlucky. The timer for green house is really low tho. I agree. Don't have much time to gather.
  6. A wiz can plvl people before 63 faster... And we are not asking for everything at pey. Asking to have money system like it's supposed to be. from drops and quest etc. not some OP cash coins that messes up economy. After 1 week, most things are more expensive than they were on selesnia after 4 months of injecting money on the server
  7. When taking out coins from reward inventory to normal inventory, It disconnects you. Not sure its how many coins you can take out but after a certain number, you'll get dc every time you try. So have to take out a bit, sell a bit, ....
  8. Making CS stuff unstackable wouldnt really solve the problem, as there's other things that can be duped and will fk Core economy. REmove Marketplace entirely would fix most of the duping, but it would suck for those who vend when afk. Making CS items come in capsule that contains binded CS items would fix some, but as said above, CS items isnt the only dupable thing.
  9. There not only coin drops or elrue.... you know in seles, there was no coin and economy wastn bad. And you made money by playing
  10. T1 enhancement still not 100%. wne through 3 xirs and my wep still +7. I fear trying t3
  11. I heard of someone breaking CTE at +4, but might just have been bugged. I never failed a t2 +ing Only t3 i +ed was my 60wand and got to +10 in 3xir and 1karis, but was only luck
  12. From gathering either wood or mushroom or ores or herb.
  13. Charmed or having end in build
  14. Drama over charms is fun ^^^ But yah. please dont change how free stat work so we can verify when someones charmed
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