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Everything posted by OppaKindly

  1. :c 3.3k hp as a 50 cleric. Does that count? with no ext/hp scroll/might potion but with my own buff~
  2. OppaKindly


    Wow, leave me out would cha? ;c (; just kiddin~
  4. "Like" this status please. O'wait this isnt' facebook. kuekuekue~ WHO USES FACEBOOK ANYMORE D<

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Valiant




    3. Neil


      Are you oppaing kidding me?

    4. OppaKindly


      No neil, Never.


  5. AS YOU CAN READ IN THE TOPIC It'd be nice if there were pairs of glasses that gave phy/mag defense as well as a scarf or something similar that gave defense. <3 (; The more defense the better~
  6. OppaKindly


    Wow neil~ So r00d. Its okay SHIVER LETS GO THROUGH THIS TOGEDDER!! Q~Q
  7. huehuehue~ You sure are shiver (; these skins are gonna cost so much when they come out ; - ; geehh
  8. Make the skins wearable for all lvs `-`
  9. [music] [/music]Idk if I posted this music video before but
  10. An oppa face shield skin plos.~
  11. So... No shield skin with oppa's face? Alright. (; you know you wanna make a skin of my face. `-` I think... shield skin should be rare and make them .05% drop rate. Just like that crown that no one has even gotten yet... cause ;-; its to rare.
  12. Obby, sims 5 when did that come out? (; Is this the future *o*
  13. Maybeh? (; ; - ; OKAY I'M SORRY GOSH, I FORGOT YOU GUYS KAY! Q~Q ily
  14. Welp, time for oppa to make one. Wonder how it'll turn out (;
  15. Cutee house~ Is it from sims 3? My sister might still have it so I might install it and make a house too~ (;
  16. Wowers~ I'm jelly of your guys artwork. I should probably get working on mine >:c
  17. Just wondering if I could get help on this luna or far >;c Although I don't play core as often as I use to, I go on for fun. But ever since this morning I've been getting this "Failed to connect to world server". Sorry if it's an easy fix >:c ; - ; ily guys~ or unless if there is a maint going on while the game is still playable~ >;c LEMMEH KNOW ASAP. *if needed, I can take a ss of it just let me know to post one* nubs (: +*+**(*ㅂ*)/**+*+
  18. OppaKindly


    Hopefully that red paint on her face wasn't permanent
  19. OppaKindly


    Wow, way to be such a r00dy~ >;c
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