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Everything posted by FitzChevalerie

  1. I'm not mad. .. just think the debuff should be applied at cast (like on official) Because it's there in the first place so you can cast it without getting caught . It's like this atm because of player feedback but is still not fixed. The problem was that the damage was applied all at beginning of cast. It's a 3hit skill normally. 2 small hits at beginning (and debuff applied there) then a massive damage when it finishes casting.
  2. You made it worse than it first was. I prefer it doing the dmg before than all after. The slow debuff should be there when you cast and not only after. its what saves us during that long ass animation. Remove that cast time and put it like it was before
  3. https://www.facebook.com/CORE.ms.Network?fref=nf got 344 likes
  4. reschar>common> M (for male) reschar>common> F (for female) >FC (fighter/cleric) >AM (Mage/archer) Then pick a shirt that is ingame and draw on it./edit it. Save it on desktop and put it back in its normal place. now the shirt will look like that ingame If your model is a fighter male you'd go :C:\Program Files (x86)\Core Fiesta\reschar\Common\M\FC then I suggest taking the soccer uniform shirts http://gyazo.com/8ee7245931bfd6bba4da47565cc870c2 They are in dds files And gimp can't open them at first but google dds gimp plugin on google and will find easily and be able to edit them If you got more question or I wasn't so clear just ask.
  5. I got 2 transparent items from 1 vault. rate is just not 100%
  6. Not really sure about those xD Can only get from vault but 66 not that hard to get to . for how much would you sell ?
  7. FitzChevalerie

    IM stuff

    Buying Tears of legel rants and xp card x2 looking for around 1g/rant 7g/tear prefer to buy stacks Also lf nice statted wiz 110's /114
  8. Like the page or the post ? o3o
  9. Are we allowed to change files to get a ingame screenshot of our design ?
  10. UT's and 110 blues still only thing that can be +11ed /+10ed ?
  11. Guess the lag on skill is back now you changed dedis.. btw should remove shadow in graphics... it lowers fps alot even with good computers
  12. Game Settings. untick Interface
  13. Actually I'd like to see all the new suits with same stats as old suits.. or old suits with stats of new ones. We're forced to choose between 4 suits because all the others got bad stats. I like to have pretty char but don't like when I'm losing 20% dmg/def to do it
  14. Only thing I'd want to see as update is either make all weps +11able and armor +10able or put 110 and chims back to +10 and +9. Also, maybe change the stats on new hats you added.. they made all crowns useless beside onyx one. When you log on a lvl 1 char, you get a voting popup. Kinda useless since you already voted to log in in the first place. If you could instead make the beginner guide pop up it would be great. Cause I've seen lot of players asking : how do to money... how to lvl... and lot of questions answered in that guide.
  15. Think I'm back

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. mucski


      I missed you.

    3. FitzChevalerie


      missed you too. and farbodd. such a nice server i cant quit. only server that i enjoy playing and where staff is nice

    4. Luna


      You can never leave us again, Mr. Fitz. :D

  16. FitzChevalerie


    Nah it's dead now I think Deviant and Isya's Defender are the "active" guilds of this server now. Closed.
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