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Everything posted by FitzChevalerie

  1. Not a glitch. it's made like this to prevent a way of duping
  2. Ranted at 56, was not really good ranted Zk xp got fixed
  3. Tell me the xp is not too high ? pls
  4. TK's ranted sucks. Tower ranted is okay. GGK ranted is okay ZK ranted isnt too bad.
  5. Except for the insane amount of xp they give..... waste of a rant
  6. You have to talk to shutian and do the quest >If you wish to be stronger then you do >Road to Promotion. Go to Sean then....... it's like that for all servers
  7. e.e i dont want to charm to OD perms to get a weapon. boss like it is atm is ok
  8. I wouldnt do LN with 20 people lol.... Already sucks when theres 2 wizard in party to share drops. nty
  9. I'm in canada and I'm not lagging
  10. Yeah you can glitch instances.. like make 10ppl go in 1 ln. but useless seeing how a trio can easily do it in 5 mins.
  11. 100 abyss had a good drop rate when i farmed there...
  12. FitzChevalerie


    Reported for hurting nmy eyes o3o
  13. Zeph said he'd sell bundles for that
  14. If you refuse to party people and get your spot taken over for that, it's your fault imo.
  15. You can do 10-15g in less than an hour. I don't see any problem
  16. Lol.. i was out of money for skills cause I got plvled.. someone that leveles normally, even a cleric wiouldnt have that problem.
  17. T5 Bundles at 10-15g.... isnt overpriced imo...
  18. qq dunno who you talking about http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n6P0SitRwy8
  19. Cant skip animation of magic burst when wep glitched. so not really.
  20. I said magic burst not magic blast qq
  21. Currently, Gab set reduce cd of Drain mind. It doesn't make sense that a lvl 55 set has as an effect a lvl 60 skill. I wouldnt suggest changing it to Magic Blast cd, for some people would glitch an abuse it, but could we at least have effect on a skil that we can use ? I'd suggest Magic Burst cooldown ~
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