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Everything posted by Sassy

  1. Sassy

    DDM Mobs

    make it so things like poison and stun land on them, and keep bosses they way they are :l
  2. Sassy

    DDM Mobs

    Soloing it with a fighter takes 40min, so 40min for a skin, and theres not always people avaible for it, yes duoing takes really less time but still.. mobs hit hard, I tank it without cleric on an axe and still use a shitload of pots
  3. Sassy


    Oh and also, for the people who said i didnt offend them with this, and that, you guys seem pretty offended :l xoxo
  4. Sassy


    I really dont care...? e.e Js it wouldnt hurt to remove it or drop it <: ill stay as happy as I was before with removing it or not. <3
  5. Sassy


    QQ less Neil :<
  6. Sassy


    right, cuz when I suggest something its a QQ thread even tho 3+ emoviants come QQ in it ;c Logic
  7. Sassy


    Ill say the same right back at you vanity c;
  8. Sassy


    Lol neil, says the one sitting in roumen making elrues whole day. Idm doing 2-6hours noit, the 10min waiting for it get annoying after a while tho.
  9. Sassy


    No one will ever be selling badges for certain classes, cuz tbh badges shouldnt be a rare item, never was like that. And saturating the server with drops funny asf, if you check marketplace everyday like i do, you will see how saturated the server is with drops, everytime i look for people for lab or anything tbh, i get the "i have a 105 lvl -insert class here-, but i dont have any gears" fact is, theres no gear or badge market atm, and making it worse by having a cd when you could just remove it, wouldnt make a difference tbh, butthurts ;c.
  10. Sassy


    If it doesnt matter, then remove it, wasting time for what?
  11. Sassy


    ? Last I checked I was posting on a feedback topic o; Still an instance :l
  12. Sassy


    Who cares about Fiesta Online? ;3 I care about Core Fiesta Removing the 5min or w/e it is CD wont do any harm
  13. Sassy


    Tbh, I havent seen devi doing Noitome ;c ill tell you why, lack of knights much? + No one cares about the gear or OJs, we are going it for badges. ? Those are WORLD BOSSES, not INSTANCE, LAB is an INSTANCE, does it have a CD? I dont think so
  14. Sassy


    whats the point in the 10min cd? o: do tell
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