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Everything posted by Balance

  1. Balance

    Mini Mal

    Simple request. Could the Mini Mal have at least the stats of an NPC mini pet? Currently it's all for looks (which is great, but it'd be lovely if it had 10 of everything or better) http://prntscr.com/38bmdp <-- statless qq
  2. You need to run it as an administrator. Right click and the option will show up.
  3. Balance


    In my experience, coming from a glad with 3km.def uncharmed, a mage utterly destroys me in PVP (In uncharmed fights). A warlock struggles, and needs to use ice to kill me or else I'll heal off their damage, but a wizard annihilates me, with or without ice (thanks to LN Tbolt kiting).In charmed fights they have no chance period, I heal too much with HP stones / housing and get too much of a m.def bonus in comparison to their m.dmg bonus.Warlocks are a troll class here, they're only the superior PVP class in Mage v Mage fights, all other times Tbolt from Wizards completely negates the tiny bit more m.dmg warlocks have (Doesn't help Sun Set is nerfed and Magic blast hasn't been buffed). I completely agree mages need a buff to an extent. Wizards are pretty OP as they are, but WLs need the buff.
  4. Balance

    DDM Mobs

    I disagree. DDM currently is the source of the best skin in game yet it can be solo'd. A party of 2 fighters takes maybe 20mins per run. Grab a full party and you'll finish it in about 5mins. It's really not that hard, especially considering the reward.
  5. Nah. It's meant to do that. Once a Ranger completes a certain task it becomes a multi-class weapon of destruction.
  6. Balance


    NUUUUU I should have had my Mini Mal on :c Other than that, lovely pic <3
  7. Simple glitch. When using Force Slash it costs twice the amount of SP that it says it takes to cast the skill.It's like it uses the SP twice, as in, the skill casts twice, thus causing it to take twice the amount of SP. Before Skill: http://prntscr.com/354apf After Skill (Didn't show CD because a lot of skills don't, which is a glitch basically every server has): http://prntscr.com/354atu
  8. Balance


    You evil bastard. <3
  9. Balance

    Rewards Glitch

    It occurs when you have, for example, 47 coins in your inventory (in 1 stack), and following that you go to withdraw 4. This would cause you to have 51, but a stack only holds 50, and the new coins don't separate into multiple stacks, so instead you get d/c'd. This will also happen with scrolls.
  10. "rocking op stats" with ml gear is quite a bit harder than sl, and using ml pants I, as a glad, run out of sp extremely fast, unless I'm using an ext. In relation to boots, I know, boots are all good, tis the other pieces that I wanted the buff for.
  11. Unlike SL gear, ML gear doesn't get the extra HP(top) / SP(pants) / Aim(Helmet) that is very useful. That, combined with the fact ML gear doesn't give that much more physical defense than SL gear makes ML tops hardly useful, ML pants only good against mages / m.dmg-ing mobs, and the helmet being so-so.I'd like it if all ML gear got the same/better additional stats like SL and LN have (Excluding set effects, I dont think those are that needed). ML boots already have the same crit bonus as SL, so why not give it to the rest of the gear parts? Along with that, a buff to physical defense on ML gear would be nice too, seeing as M.def and Evasion are a lot higher on ML gear than SL, unlike physical.
  12. I'd like to say, some of these responses are quite hypocritical :/
  13. And I was born Dutch And I'm not American at all Still going to make fun of your grammar though <3
  14. Shit grammar, but the point of the message is perfect <3
  15. We are using the classes as intended. We use a knight to tank, clerics to heal/rev/buff, and other classes to deal damage. I see no reason for that 'insult' to be in place.And, on the aspect of why we need to kite, it's simple. Why not? Archers are there to do ranged damage, and having a knight kite the boss supports that. Just because a group wishes to use a different strategy does not mean everything about our choices is wrong, you just disagree.
  16. If kiting usual mobs is completely fair game, I see no reason why kiting a boss should be against ToS. If you have no tank, it's a great strategy. And, if it's a way to counter the opposing group of people raiding, who cares? They can just as easily make archers to kite back. Just because a certain group of people are too lazy/butthurt to make archers, and only want to use glads, doesn't mean a tactic for killing a mob should be made 'illegal'.Glads are already a massive powerhouse in the game, no need to completely re-shape the rules of the game to suit them more :/ (This coming from a glad).
  17. The drop rate for Torture King is also horrid. Along with that, TK likes to spam stun, leading you to be stunned for several minutes.
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