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Everything posted by Balance

  1. o-o Just look for me afk in Roumen~
  2. How am I not there..I wear the dresses a lot..
  3. Does anyone else ever wish they were a cloud?

    1. OppaKindly


      I do all the time. :c

    2. Vanity


      I sometimes wish I was a cumulonimbus cloud. They're so purty and evil looking. :3

  4. I've always been a lvl 72 ranger D:
  5. Interface ideas: An icon to show characters critical rate An icon to show your attack rate (So we know what it is with Violence and Natures Speed activated) When you change your UI, one thing (that I know of) always resets. The target of your target http://i.gyazo.com/889a7eb520839293bfdb429c227ab9b6.png in this case Advent, always resets to its usual position. However your direct target stays to wherever you moved it to. Making it so it stays in its altered position would be very nice Game Mechanics: Geo skins dropping with full durability, possibly being 65k so our Repairs aren't wasted. Could Geo Skins also give 1-5% more crit than NPC skins? (I know its been suggested, just throwing it in here) When doing Rebirth without a target it will not do anything, simply give an error. You need to target yourself to use it, unlike every other self-targeting skill (i.e, heals). If this could be fixed, that'd be great. I'm fairly sure the animation for Natures Swiftness is slower for female archers than males (Not 100% sure, needs testing) Can anything be done about skills not showing their cool-down times? Using Slip-Away tricksters get a 100% crit buff that lasts 4 minutes. This buff does nothing. I'm unsure if it's meant to be a short crit-buff, or a speed buff (slip-away, makes sense to run faster while invisible) Spirit Tap, the mage skill, has no animation, just a cast timer. Could Concussive Charge be nerfed? Putting on a Wind Set makes CC better than Deva. Basically insta-cast, basically a 99% hit rate, with same CD/Duration Could archers poison skills poison mobs more often? They resist quite often. In PVP it's somewhat balanced, but for PVE I'd say it needs to be increased. Decrease the spamming of stuns/fears in lab, PLEASE, and overall fix lab. Kingdom Quest: Could there be a KQ made of Guild Tournament? Say 20 people, 2 teams of 10 randomly selected. I don't care for the rewards, GT is fun and making it spam-able like this would give us something to do during the wait for ML to spawn. Updates to come~
  6. My opinions about HKs v Guards;Guardians should get all the single-target support skills EXCLUDING Deadly Blessing, i.e they get the upgraded endure/illness buff, the upgraded single heals etc. And of course, Rebirth being buffed, basically on par of a ToL (maybe 50% chance per buff to be saved), and going into the revive spot of the re-spawn options you get when you die, not an additional pop-up. Holy Knights should get all the party-based support skills, i.e party buffs, party heals and of course, as previously stated, Deadly Blessing. As I've never main'd a cleric there's probably a lot of skills I'm missing out on, but that's all I can think of as of now. And as Shiver said, as I am Balance, I should know what I'm talking about. c:
  7. I'm a faithful man. I keep my Lulu. Unlike a certain SS who had to ask me what the name of the marriage pet is. :PBut yes, making them useful would be nice
  8. What can we do ? Tell our friends ? Sure but still we need a kinda "force voting" system Say a vote is 50 coins and able to vote every hour means 1200 coins per hour, yes it is a lot so I would suggest every two hours but I trust you will come up with a more calculated number ^^ Aside from the horrid math, I wouldn't mind force-vote, but I don't think we should get coins for it. Another suggestion is about guards having their skill "Rebirth" not only just revive the player but the player will keep their buffs/scrolls/pots And have the "Revive" skill to be in the death box ~ Because personally I believe not only just I have pressed Esc key, making the revive option disappear. YES THIS, YES PLEASE.
  9. Could it be made so Guild Academy Master and Guild Admins can kick people from the guild academy? Quite useless being the MASTER OF THE ACADEMY if you can't do anything with it. And having the admins be able to kick people from the academy would just make things even easier <3
  10. It's a common thing when enhancing. You have a near perfect jewel, you're looking to get some good str/end/dex for your glads (of course glad, this is glad online) new ring, and BAM it gets int. And then follows the struggle of keeping the ruined ring, or potentially spending 1-2 bundles just to downgrade it, and re-enhance it with the stat you want.So I was wondering, could we get a stone that always downgrades for every tier? (Possibly excluding tier 1 for obvious reasons).Thank you for your time~
  11. Balance

    Aura glitch

    I've found that putting on my lvl 100 aura then closing the client and re-opening allows me to see the fire auras again. However, after time they just glitch again x.x
  12. Is this one of the small things? At first glance it's a hedge http://prntscr.com/3a5jzm On a second, more in-depth look, it's a secret hideout for the Republic Geese Army http://prntscr.com/3a5jus
  13. Balance

    Aura glitch

    I have no idea if you're going to keep auras, but a glitch occurs with them that'd be great if it was fixed. I personally on my gladiator Balance now see every fire aura as glitched. They look like this http://prntscr.com/3a53nr I've restarted my client, taken off the aura etc, but I still see every fire aura as that. Shiver also has this glitch. She sees all lightning auras on her SS as this http://i.gyazo.com/07ac006abff460967288d97019f53d9c.png Thanks for your time~ Edit: After the third time I completely closed my client I can now see Fire auras~ Next day Edit: The aura now looks like this again http://prntscr.com/3absp7Putting on character outline allows me to see it, but as I said in the screen shot, that's ugly as fuck.
  14. Not quite. It's the skill not showing the cool down. It happens for all classes. And you don't use them twice or more, you cast part of the animation but the skill does not cast. It'll tell you it's on cool-down on the box in the lower-right of the game.
  15. Balance

    Mini Mal

    Thank you very much
  16. But you want us to have massive killing powers? D:Equality for the costumes/accessories! <3
  17. Balance

    Mini Mal

    -Bump-Could I please get a reply from a staff member? qq
  18. Balance


    No. 70% charming adds 100% to defense but 70% to attack. And when extending, a fighters HP stone healing increases significantly, increasing their survivability more so than mages.
  19. Balance


    I'll put it as best as I can. In uncharmed fight mages rule over fighters. In charmed fights they usually get destroyed.
  20. Yeah. A topic about this was made back in February and we were told it'd be fixed next patch. Several patches later it's still bugged (you lose nearly all dmg/m.dmg). Never noticed it wasn't fixed because it's quite the ugly piece IMO, but some people may want to wear it~
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