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Everything posted by Valiant

  1. Every time that this game goes on maintenance, I get confused. I don't really understand why it goes on maintenance. It doesn't tell on the Core FaceBook page, either. I'm asking if you guys can make a topic about why you guys are doing a maintenance, and preferably an ETA. Thank you. -Valiant
  2. VitalyZDTVRomanAtWoodPewdiePieSmoshMagicOfRahat
  3. Valiant


    Hey, Core. I know that there are many costumes already out. I understand that. But, there are very little accessories for DMG/M.DMG. I want a tail that boosts DMG/M.DMG, but that little yellow phoenix tail looks really, really ugly. Was thinking if you guys can create some new accessories that boost DMG/M.DMG or even swap stats with another accessory. Thanks. -Valiant
  4. I'd like a fashion show, because I'm soo...FABULOUS~
  5. Damn. Shiver has got some nice EVA.
  6. Valiant


    For people with a peewee as big as this text, you may join BigD!CK. Whisper Valiant. Thank you.
  7. Valiant


    drop me. k den. ty. bye. :*
  8. Hooters. Sucking penus or licking penus? `-`
  9. School. Okay, I'm done with this. Happy Birthday, and goodbye.
  10. Fiesta NA. Morgan Freeman or Nelson Mandela?
  11. I don't celebrate either, so Easter.Fiesta Online(Gamigo) or Death?
  12. Cupcake. Swag or Class?
  13. Valiant


    pfft. fgt fckboi.
  14. Happy Birthday, Drea.
  15. Glads, because I like destroying shit. Alienware or Razor?
  16. .... ugly. wtf you think we'll pick. Cute. DUH. Already am, though. ;)Food or Wifi?
  17. What's on my mind? onion butts. An onion butt are those butts that make a nig cry.

  18. Girlfriend. Overweight or Anorexic?
  19. Valiant

    Wizards Lair

    Idgaf if they're fail or not. Just need gears ASAP.
  20. Kitty. Griffin or Dragon?
  21. Valiant

    Wizards Lair

    Buying Wizard LN and/or Lab pieces. Whisper me in game @ Valiant. Or, leave your IG down below, and I'll try to contact you as soon as I can.
  22. Rain.Cup full of sperm or period blood?
  23. Since this game has been done, I've been going outside and being social. Bring the game back. :c I don't like people.

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