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Posts posted by MyUserName

  1. Tower drop rate is way too low.  I ran it 19 times and while I did get an ok amount of Blue weapons, I only got 2 blue pieces. 1 from iron and another from poison golem. 


    I would really like to invite my perm friends but they're not gonna stay if the drop rates are low and they might not come back since it's a bad first impression.

  2. It's not just that all our time playing was wasted, But it was half of my Spring Break wasted to dedicated hours to core... restless nights trying to wait for the server to get back online to raid ML and only to get disconnected before we could kill Male and sometimes even the Birds. 

  3. If you think we would want one of our archers to kite for our benefit then you're wrong. Not only was Salt losing his dps, but he was running in a circle with a radius way longer than 13.5m which is an archers casting distance. So even when our Sharp Shooters were standing in the center of the kiting circle we had to move to a lot to cast our skills. Don't think a guild that favors gladiators would know anything about casting distance doe. 



    why we even having the this agro arguement when u caught the agro but still got od? :l emoviant try harder next time


    Like I said. everyone was at a disadvantage 

  4. If you're going to lie, do a better job. You could have simply left the lair to trade off agro. But no, you kited ML around so the other archers could dps it in order to OD us. You can try to act all innocent all you'd like, but you ain't slick. You know we have the evidence to prove it so you're asking Far to sympathize with you. 

    If you think we would want one of our archers to kite for our benefit then you're wrong. Not only was Salt losing his dps, but he was running in a circle with a radius way longer than 13.5m which is an archers casting distance. So even when our Sharp Shooters were standing in the center of the kiting circle we had to move to a lot to cast our skills. Don't think a guild that favors gladiators would know anything about casting distance doe. 

  5. You haven't read the tos lately have you?

    That exact rule was implemented recently and the video you posted was recorded prior to that rule.


    Edit: Posted at the same time, lol.

    That's actually the time I uploaded it on youtube. The time it was recorded was a week before they changed tos

  6. If I knew tos was going to be so biased against all other classes ,my first character would have been a gladiator. Good job on making server so diverse. I won't be recommending this game to any of my Non-Glad friends.

  7. In recent news:


    "Emoviants top reaper, kites male (logic). Farbood please change ToS to benefit Unlimiteds DD glad Party Pl0x D:"


    This is a post for Unlimited to talk about how they got Out damaged by 3 SS,ranger, reaper party. Let's see how farbood will change the rules this time.

  8. It just happens we are competition, it could be someone else telling far, but far makes the decisions based on what he thinks is right, its like, if male didnt hit at all, knights wouldnt be needed, if its kitable, glads or trixs arent needed, since mages and archers could do the same. Archers are free to kite anything, but bosses are made to be tanked, not kited.. So dont blame far if you dont like a rule he made, for his server, which he runs.

    Just because it's kitable doesn't mean any other class is not needed. When tanked by knight a lot more damage can be dealt but there are situations where kiting would be the better option. Also archers have like little agro compared to a knight or glad so if you don't like it being kited then just steal agro and do whatever you want with the mob.

  9. Defeats the purpose of really fighting the boss. If you can kill it without fighting it then it's pointless.


    Though all feedback is left to the community if you want change then show me.


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