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Posts posted by Zephry

  1. I didn't provide that information for a reason.


    If Halloween weapon suck, then tell me what's wrong with them and I will fix it, if you just say it sucks then I can't do much about it.


    Geo Skin bonuses were reduced to make room for the Shard Skins which will have 15% bonuses instead and will be level 100+ so Geo skins are still a viable option, if you've got a better idea then throw it my way, but I am not making Geo 15% and Shard 20%.


    Halloween weapons have less crit rate, and their shields have less def but high mdef compared to a 60 green or 60 NPC.


    See, I wouldn't have mind the nerf, as long as you kept the aim and reduced the Dmg/Mdmg bonus. Also because I believed DDM was made easier from what someone said but that proved to be false.


    In Death Knight Lair, which uses DDM mobs, they were able to be disabled (poisoned, stunned, slowed, etc).

    If DDM was made like that after the recent nerf to Geo Skins then I guess most people wouldn't mind because it would be a lot easier to run since they lost their value of only being 2% stronger than NPC skins.

  2. For future readers:


    Death Knight Instance is located in Ancient Elven Woods


    Lair of the Focalor is located in Dark Land.


    Halloween weapons suck.


    Your current badges before the patch remain the same.


    No cap raise. qq



    Also, why were Geo Skins reduce by 2.5% when the instance itself is still hard to do if not geared?

  3. Why disagree to the stone merchant ideas?


    Adding individual Stone Merchant NPC's to a place like Forest Perimeter in Elderine would be a nice idea.


    And/or having some outside of the dungeon's.

  4. I became Guild Master of the guild because the original owner was always inactive and really not fit to run a guild. Nor trusted by her previous peer. Brandon wasn't the co-owner. 


    I'm pretty sure she was talking about Glitchy because he kept harassing her, lol.

  5. I've noticed throughout the years of playing private servers, a lot of server owners become egotistical "trolls" for a nicer word to say it. They build their community, they make a pretty penny off of it, and then they treat the players like crap. It's sad that the owners would treat the players as such. This game is a business and the players are your customers, LOYAL customers. To lie and deceive them in such a manipulative way after already wasting their efforts to gear up and raid is rather unprofessional and disrespectful. Nonetheless, they're the ones paying for your services. To so easily say "Good bye" to a player who has been active and led an active guild which basically started the server and flourished the economy, is wrong, but whatever I say isn't gonna matter anyways. People can say it's bullshit to have a rollback. People can say you should be used to the way Far is. No. You don't get used to it. That's like starting your own business and slapping every customer that walks in and tell them to get the fuck out and expecting the business to stay afloat. You just don't do it. As an owner, your players should be able to trust you to run a FAIR, BALANCED SERVER in service, pricing, and game play. Taking advantage of staff powers is not a way to get players to want to stay. But at this point, clearly Far doesn't seem to care. He entertained himself at the players' expense. Wtg.



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