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Everything posted by Sassy

  1. Sassy


    Lol. Sure, ask far to remove stacking then. o.o
  2. Sassy


    ? theres a rule about not kiting world bosses already.
  3. Sassy


    taking this convo to a whole other level there lol not everyone knows how to do that, and yes its a glitch, should be fixed if far could..
  4. Sassy


    It does more 'damage' but doesnt affect how a boss acts, doesnt stop any boss from doing any of his skills, aoes, damage, nada.
  5. Sassy


    I guess if far gets to that point, he maybe ;c but he'd lose players, doubt you yourself would play it if he removed it.. also stacking doesnt affect world bosses in any way, even tho it is a bug.
  6. Sassy


    Yes it stopped his reg, and its not the boss move, skills like that, and like, devastate, shouldnt do any kind of stun or "harm" to it, and guess if theres no rule on tos about it is because not many people play trix, far probbly forgot, or not much feedback on the topic .. whoever made it o.x
  7. Sassy


    *gives a like* -outoflikes-
  8. Reduces time making it faster since it cuts the time by double, and gets you extra points
  9. Add mystery vaults while at it ^ even tho.. isnt that in item mall or in game already? -doesnt know doesnt make elrues-
  10. Sassy

    Selling Geo's

    hope you do miracles :c shield skin pls.
  11. i think same.. not sure, same server i was refering to, gave fighter a mini dash at lvl 40, archers 1st poison aoe was at 20 and some other modifications, like mage had nova at lvl 40 too xDD cute af and well, if he does take out the fireball cast time, should be only for locks, so the skills before lvl 100 keep cast time = wiz skills after 100 no cast time= lock :c
  12. Do agree its pretty low, and maybe far could change fireball so you can insta cast it instead of those 4secs you stop to cast it hence ive played a server where this was possible, idk if it is here but yea... Wont be needed if he increases mb mdmg
  13. I dont even like world bosses qq 2much drama, b> guild instances, party instances plsty ):
  14. Im saying this as a mage, since its my main could just leave it at that be kitable etc, if i was on glad or trix id be mad af if i had to run after a boss to hit it 2-3times each time it stopped cuz someone would be kiting it
  15. They can attack it same way same skills, just dont think they should be running a world boss making so no other class could hit it but mages and archers itself
  16. Yes they will get hit, but melee classes cant attack it unless it stops 3secs to drop aoe
  17. Lol you dont share accs, such a funny guy. And best glad on teva? XDI never said i played glad o.o cuz i dont so. But doubt you play it well or are the best at it. Ego got alot big eh?
  18. Obeys? And i cant really tell you anyona because no other guild raids, and you know it, its pretty much us and you guys.And I cant win what fight lool im just saying a thing that has been in the tos fir a while, just in other words and obvs no one would do that unless its a dumbfk trying to fk the knight e.o, and no I wont shut up o.o who dafk r you to tell me to shut up. Sir.
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