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Everything posted by Valiant

  1. You're like a stripper in the cage. I'll drop you like they drop money on the stage.

  2. Valiant

    Prestige Guide

    For Wizard/Warlock: You said... "They get upgrades to Ice Blast, Fire Ball, Lightning Blast, Wand Mastery, and Wisdom. Both prestige gain upgrades to remaining skills, and Flamewalker (a moving fireball that aoes), Ice Field (an aoe that freezes all enemies in ice), and Electronic Shock (an electric aoe)." Warlocks also get to upgrade Magic Blast which is a main skill. If someone read this, they'd become a Wizard and try to level up Magic Blast and be screwed. xD
  3. Advent, finally someone noticed my awesome photoshop skills.
  4. Found the Onyx Crown! http://prntscr.com/2wez3n
  5. What's on my mind? big booty.

  6. If this is possible:Make an NPC give a quest that involves voting. Voting once per day will add to the quest. So, you vote on Monday and you get 1/5. And then, Tuesday. 2/5 etc. with a nice reward.It'll get players to vote, and a chance to get a reward. Server should be higher on Top Of Games.
  7. Valiant


    Hey, I'm Valiant. I'm 16. yee. This server looks pretty awesome. Really balanced, and active. Also has a 105 cap, which I love. I'm becoming a Wizard. Let's see how that turns out. I also like to draw, game, anime, and do parkour. Pleasure to meet you.
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