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Posts posted by Fawn

  1. I agree, but everyone is human, humans always want more and more than what they have already, they think things come with no work, which isnt true, but here its a bit more of a, I do this, so you do that, so, far updates his server, and we, playerbase, play it,donate, keep it active, as soon as one of them starts to shut down, everything else just falls, a little bit like the domino effect, one falls, the rest falls.

    Agreed, we play because we like the server clearly. But if he doesn't give us a reason to be active than we wont be.

  2. Developing a server takes hours beyond hours a day of planning, programming, and testing, etc. On a private server, you're not getting paid to do anything. You're doing it out of pure enjoyment and paying for it out of your own pocket. When you start getting disrespect from the players and feeling like you HAVE to do this, it becomes a chore, and nobody likes doing chores(procrastinating on vacuuming for 2 hours now so I know...). Once you have a hobby you enjoy become ruined, you lose a lot of will to continue developing more content. No will added to no time results in not wanting to spend the little free time you do have developing for a server that's dead at the moment especially if when you do something it's only non-stop complaining and bickering from everyone instead of being appreciated for what was done. I think that's Far's point, one of which I get from being staff on other servers.


    It's hasn't been non-stop complaining and bickering, only the last 3 weeks because nothing is changing. Also this is a load of shit I can probably go around this forum and site examples of people being appreciative of changes or help. 

  3. If the time and effort people put into it waste really that much then, why is everyone speaking of quitting and joining a server as if it was nothing? If it doesn't matter to themselves why should it matter to me?


    Because plain and simple we don't have to stay here and be bored. People threaten to quit so you'll hurry the fk up and release stuff so we can keep playing on a pserver that we all enjoy and love.

  4. I meant as a player he could've done more than just complain about the server dying or being dead and tried to make a petition or something.

    So all 12 people online can vote on it? o: It's a bit late for that.


    Working on what exactly? I haven't been working on anything.


    You didn't quite understand that line, it means that it's almost been a month since the last update.


    First of all the intent of a private server is to offer things such as costumes and things that you would normally pay for, for free and to be able to experience everything at a faster rate than the original game, i.e leveling up faster. Custom content comes in way way way later. Secondly, If you play it right you can cap on official in several days or even a month, and if you mean content as in quests which are consistently kill quests and mostly repeatables at higher levels then that's not really anything to call content. Other than the odd dungeons here and there or KQ's which are barely even done on some servers.


    Maybe in your personal opinion. I as you know an actual player play for many different reasons mostly doesn't have anything to do with 

    the leveling speed, lol. Custom content is a +. And no, no you can't clearly you haven't played retail. Maybe if you get plvl'd all the way. Even if it takes a month by plvl on retail it takes 3 hours to do here so that still proves my point. That's still more content than we have here. But frankly, nice attempt.


    Yes, we have a shop, but you completely missed my point, they are a company who are working and getting paid money which they use to feed their family with, pay their taxes, buy a house and have a life, you think me or any of the other staff could do that from what we make off of this and have you considered how much we make and how much we have to pay for the server? It's not like we're getting thousands of dollars a day, we'd be lucky if it was even ten dollars, everything is free or obtainable without having to purchase any item mall coins.


    And who's fault is that.


    "content handed to me in a packet" I have no idea what you mean by this, all previous weekly updates, were made during that week and previous, we don't have any content readily available, if that was the case I would release content every month.


    Clearly. The odin files is what I'm referring to, the files are all there all you do is edit. 



    No one is stopping you. You do what you have to do. Most people haven't seen and don't know about the days when we had 0 players online, I wouldn't be surprised or shocked if it happened again, but that was when I cared about the playerbase.


    Oh, haha nice to see you say it out in plain text that you don't care about the player base. Professionalism at it's finest. *clap*


    EDIT: 20-40 players is still a lot to me, even if they do AFK in game. You guys are used to seeing a 100 players online but I am used to seeing 5/10 so that's why I don't have any problems with 20+ players online.


     OFC you don't. You're not the one raiding with 3 people. 


    In conclusion he just doesn't give a fuck. Lolol.

  5. That's fine. If I didn't want to let it die I would've done something about it and maybe you would've as well.


    I said this to someone before and maybe I should tell you guys as well. When me and the rest of the staff started developing Core Fiesta it was during the summer 1 year ago when there was not much on and we had nothing better to do, I was excited to be learning new things and was having fun developing but then summer ended and my development of the server was no longer a hobby. This is a Fiesta private server, not the official Fiesta game where they get updates weekly, those guys get paid to work and develop full time for the game, that's how they make their money from it so it makes sense that they would have to make updates, but what was once something I enjoyed doing for fun and as a hobby turned into what seems like a job now. Having to make updates every week, dealing with reports and drama, that's not why I made this server. I wanted to use my free time to be able to develop a server because I enjoyed developing and while I was doing that, I would make one that the players liked, but the thing is, if the official developers for the game get paid and develop full time and only release major updates like a cap raise or a new dungeon or what not every several months or a year then how do you expect someone like us who would've spent an hour or so from now and then to be able to provide such massive updates for you guys over several short months and considering it's only several people compared to a massive company, we don't have the people to deal with reports and drama separately or develop individually.


    It's not just about getting new staff either, I don't want to get any old person, I need to be able to trust them with their position and whatnot. Though, I have found someone who is going to possibly start developing for Core Fiesta and if it goes well, we will have a big update in the future until then whenever someone feels like making an update or whenever we're free we'll do something.


    Neil is just a player it's not his responsibility to keep the server from dying, by owning the server that makes it yours.


    We understand that things like this take time, but it's been working on a month since the last update.

    Like I said millions of times, you might be busy irl but guess what, nobody is 1 month busy.


    The difference is that on the original server it takes like 1 year to reach 115 cap if you take your time. You can't compare 

    this to retail because you can cap in 3 hours on this private server. They can live off their content because it takes a long time to experience it all where as on this server you reach cap in 3 hours and you sit with the content that we barely have. And most of us played retail so we're actually reaching cap on this server and experiencing the SAME content we've already played through on retail. Noit and Geo skins are the only 'NEW things' this server has.


    Also you don't need to refer to developing because according to you; you have content up to 255 so I don't see the issue.

    Also girl, don't come talking about not making money or getting paid. You have a donate shop. Fact is if you're going to have a hobby that involves an active community do things for them to keep them there or shut it down. If not then don't come making excuses pretending like you're not just being lazy to release content that's been quite literally handed to you in a packet. c8 

    Go conclude that forums event started by Luna that you'e been quite obviously avoiding.

    Stop afking at your in-game events and take advice of the feedback sections.

    There are a crap load of good ideas sitting around there. 


    I'm like 1200% done with your excuses. 

    Getting close to be 1200% done with this server.


  6. When  you pick it up it gives you the buff on your buff bars but doesn't show on your character.

    And then when the buff ends it 1 shots you and anyone in the area. ;___;

  7. Finally got the chance to participate in GT this week! 

    Really fun brackets but there's some glitchy bits that need to be fixed!
    If you noticed anything in particular then please post it here!

     - If you start as the red team you start in the middle and not in your base.
    You can start capping flags and getting relics while the blue team is stuck in their
    base waiting for the like 20s timer for their gate to open. Obvious head start and could
    cause a win or loss.

     - Any poison debuffs from the relics restrict you from being able to mount.

     - I don't think slime is working properly, even when the debuff went off nobody was a 
    slime and nobody's hp was effected from what I noticed.

     - The bomb is doing literally no damage, it's basically a self destruction debuff where you
    run around with it for nothing and then at the end you self destruct. LOL. You kill people
    at the very end when you self destruct but it's supposed to pulse out dmg to all surrounding
    friends or foes.

    - The Call to Arms aren't working, got the relic for it but no mobs appeared.

  8. Kingdom Quest:

    • Could there be a KQ made of Guild Tournament? Say 20 people, 2 teams of 10 randomly selected. I don't care for the rewards, GT is fun and making it spam-able like this would give us something to do during the wait for ML to spawn.


    • An icon to show characters critical rate
    • An icon to show your attack rate (So we know what it is with Violence and Natures Speed activated)
    •  and overall fix lab.

    Top two would be so useful I would die.


    And especially the bottom, would like to not NEED a glad or wiz to dash/blink down the stairs

    just so the next floor will 100% spawn. 





    Can we get HP/SP on ML Top/Pants plz.

  9. I kinda think Guardians need a pick me up.

    They're sort of meh compared to HKs, HKs in population are clearly the more desired
    choice. I'm no Cleric expert but imo I think Immune and Endure should be shared between

    both Prestiges. And that Rebirth should act as a partial Tear of Legel and return like 3

    previous buffs between scrolls and pots. It would bring some interest to the class and
    at least make it a little more challenging of a choice before they just default to HK as of
    current, just a thought.


    They'll be better at healing with the passives but still will be meh compared to Deadly Blessing.

    (Side thought, if Tears of Legel were removed from the game and Guardian's
    rebirth acted as a complete Tear of Legel it would bring a lot of attention to them.
    Making the choice between the two pretty difficult for some. With an obvious CD readjustment.)

    Let's face it, they're pretty overlooked as a class atm. :I

  10. I don't think they should do much more to the DDM level range, it's already pretty easy to do with all the things currently.
    The drop rates for golems I think is an alright idea~~ 

    As for money making; for the Core Staff the Donate Shop Vaults is a good idea!
    I just don't like a few of your suggestions, which is the higher stat suits, 80% Extenders and the Mount.

    (EDIT: if they were purchase-able with the afk donate shop points then I'd be fine with it,
    I didn't really think about that. but still not that mount ;-; )

     Skin I think is a great idea. The Mount though... nop nop nop. Insta-mounting would be OP.
    An insta-mount Mage- ugh I don't even want to think about it. xD

    Yes for events and Yes for Exp loss! @o@
    About your idea to remove Eldy, lol I say leave eldy but remove the Marketplace e,e!
    And just make the Marketplace  empty circle in Roumen a house-able area.
    (Where Vietree and Storage keeper Raina used to be)

  11. Mining drop rate is already up on this server I think.

    I mined for about an hour and got tons of the Jewelery set that is rare af on retail.

    On top of that, there's a spade that drops and you can use that to get into the Green House
    map in Roumen. On that map you have 5 minutes to basically endlessly mine ore.
    No reason for change there.

  12. The chest mini pets giving slightly better than NPC but only lasting a few days would be a nice idea.


    I wouldn't suggest they be perm AND better than NPC though, that might make NPC pets useless. ;x
    (well besides NPCs having Auto Pickup which is nice but you can live w/o)

  13. -Sharp Shooters evasion is too high



    Pretty sure that was a joke. Considering that Rangers and SS have the same

    base Eva on gears. And SS gets no bonus upon prestige. xD Unless you're opting for them to lower Rangers eva too.


    Either way, horrible suggestion.

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