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Posts posted by Trepidation

  1. @Ghost 

    Was confused to why you said "none of this really matters" but then turn around and say it's because of the economy.

    More population would mean more people farming, more access to parties, more shops in marketplace, as well as even shops selling CS items, because of there was more people doing more activities, their own CS points could run low and they'd have to resort to buying CS items from shop, depending on how much time they actually spend online. There are some people who can't afk on the game all day to get points. What i'm trying to say is that there's no economy because there's very few players.

    Honestly the marketplace could actually be worse then it already is really. I vend all the time and actually make pretty good money, but it all depends on what you're trying to sell. I mainly farm SLs, and OJs, and can make gems in a few hours just from that. I can see how the perm economy would suck right now, because DDM is useless now, DKL still needs the drops to be fixed, thus is useless, and tower is still horrible with the drop rate, thus no one is going to want to make perms. 

    Also with the thing about people who are capped and don't need gear making it so they don't run SL, isn't complete true. I guess it also depends on who you surround yourself with, and what they do. I've been able to do SL runs (thought alot of the time I dont need gear) and farm simply for guild and/or profit for myself. 

    Anyway I feel like i'm starting to ramble here, but my point in all of this is, is if the population increased, so would everything else, thus I like Zeph's ideas, especially doing the events that reach out to social media. I'd totally make a core related video, though my editing skills arnt the greatest c: would still be fun. 

  2. I'm pretty sure Far is using Odin files, things like auction house/crafting systems, fancy things like that are usually in the Hunter Kingdom files. sooooooooooooooooooooooo...


  3. To be honest unless Far wants to get all new files or build a new server from the ground up, 80% of this stuff can't be implemented. 

    Songs would be a copyright issue if the owners found out. I kinda like the pictures though.

  4. UPDATE 9/3/2014:

    For those of you who actually read the forums, just to spread the word, Heretics will only be accepting clerics (both HK and guards), gladiators, tricksters (both reap and spec), and well geared SS's. This does not apply for those of you who lvl through the academy and are active. And by active I mean you cap in a reasonable amount of time, you're on every day/every other day at least a few hours, you farm, and you know wtf you're doing. I will be cleaning out the guild of people who cannot comply to that. 

    However, as the rules state, if you have school/work and do not want to be banned, you need to please let us know. I am willing to work with you if you can communicate effectively with me. 

    Thank you for understanding and thank you those who took the time to read this.



  5. I didn't provide that information for a reason.


    If Halloween weapon suck, then tell me what's wrong with them and I will fix it, if you just say it sucks then I can't do much about it.


    Geo Skin bonuses were reduced to make room for the Shard Skins which will have 15% bonuses instead and will be level 100+ so Geo skins are still a viable option, if you've got a better idea then throw it my way, but I am not making Geo 15% and Shard 20%.

    I think the problem that everyone including myself had was we were under the impression that everything you promised was going to happen at once, so when you did the patch we all expected the 76 aura instance/cap raise/possible shard skins and when it didnt happen and no one told us what was going on or why we all ran around like chickens with our heads cut off. 

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