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Everything posted by Fake

  1. Yogscast PewDiePie Smosh
  2. Fake


    Good luck bud Und wir sehen uns ingame ^^
  3. Sooo much work to do ~_~

  4. the claws remind me of normal karen claws or is it just me? oh and ofc they look pretty amazing ^^ and yea the axe looks a bit like a rooster xD
  5. Me too me too http://de.tinypic.com/view.php?pic=xp69e8&s=8#.U4IBbPl_vm4 Draw it with a cookie pl0x
  6. Jo ma schauen^^ danke fürs angebot, und nein ich gehe gerne Raiden, ich meinte damit das ich es nicht mag wenn gilden nur aufgrund von eq und lvl rekrutieren^^ und das man zb bei jedem raid dabei seien muss etc. ich bin halt gerne in gilden die auch einfach mal chillen^^
  7. So, i dont know if i should just do the old "Hey My name is" stuff but well here i go o.x' So, my name ist Thorben, but ingame its just Fake... and no my Damage will be for real!^^ I am a pretty old dog when it comes to fiesta, ive started in the beta from the offical servers in the EU and never really stopped playing it, after i hit lvl 100 on the offical servers it became kinda boring.. took ages to level up if u didnt use the item mall.. and u kinda needed to get charms for everything u do like in pvp, because everybody did buy them o.- Normally i roll with Archer-> Sharpshooter, but i also really like playing Tank or Cleric <3 I am looking forward to join u all ingame soon.. (still downloading ^^') I also hope to join a normal sized guild not based on how players perform in "raids or pvp" :/ sadly its kinda rare to find such guilds on many servers.. About me.. well im 18, born on the 5th of june, im male, brown hair im about 6feet tall(thats about 182cm^^) im a fun guy to play with and i also really like to chat! so if uve a kinda dead guildchat... NOT LONG ANYMORE >:] So anyways i think uve a pretty good picture about me now,... so lets meet ingame and see you in Isya.!
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