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Posts posted by Sassy

  1. Yeah, i've played a server where they removed the cast time for Archers Multi-Shot and made it Level 15. Was pretty darn awesome. 


    i think same.. not sure, same server i was refering to, gave fighter a mini dash at lvl 40, archers 1st poison aoe was at 20

    and some other modifications, like mage had nova at lvl 40 too xDD  cute af


    and well, if he does take out the fireball cast time, should be only for locks, so the skills before lvl 100 keep cast time = wiz skills

    after 100 no cast time= lock



  2. Do agree its pretty low, and maybe far could change fireball so you can insta cast it instead of those 4secs you stop to cast it hence ive played a server where this was possible, idk if it is here but yea...




    Wont be needed if he increases mb mdmg

  3. Im saying this as a mage, since its my main could just leave it at that be kitable etc, if i was on glad or trix id be mad af if i had to run after a boss to hit it 2-3times each time it stopped cuz someone would be kiting it

  4. So ranged classes aren't suppose to do anything since they have kiteable skills? K.

    They can attack it same way same skills, just dont think they should be running a world boss making so no other class could hit it but mages and archers itself
  5. i dont share accounts little lady :/ please get it right, and i play a glad better than you c; let alone being the best glad on teva server. please sit down :)

    Lol you dont share accs, such a funny guy. And best glad on teva? XDI never said i played glad o.o cuz i dont so. But doubt you play it well or are the best at it. Ego got alot big eh?
  6. he runs it but he obeys unlimited? since when? i get he is helping the community but please tell me anyone NOT in unlimited who complained? sorry Rita but please :c sit down, you cant win in this fight. and yes its his server, but last time i checked on Fiesta (retail) kiting is aloud. what if a knight is going to die and he runs off to escape? OH NO HE IS KITING REPORT HIM! thats what you are saying last time i checked. please...shut up.

    Obeys? And i cant really tell you anyona because no other guild raids, and you know it, its pretty much us and you guys.And I cant win what fight lool im just saying a thing that has been in the tos fir a while, just in other words and obvs no one would do that unless its a dumbfk trying to fk the knight e.o, and no I wont shut up o.o who dafk r you to tell me to shut up. Sir.
  7. I'd delete my character if it wasn't hacked. I wonder who could have taken it? but anyways PLEASE learn how to play the freaking game correctly. This maybe a pserver but its still basically Fiesta, kiting is legit. Glitching isn't. Control your server Farbod

    Maybe if you didnt share accs... Youd still have it..
  8. Farbod i respect you trying to help the community but 1 guild isnt the community. Unlimited doesnt run the server you do, so why do you obey them? that is stupid let alone defending them when honestly, all they do is cry. Im sorry to tell you this but you need to run your server more for the community, not that guild known as unlimited. last time i checked, your name was behind the server, and aiding that one guild you will get less people on your server so this server will be a waste of your time. you need to pay attention to the evidence also, there are videos of them glitching/cheating because they cant play the game right, get your ban hammer up and running and get off your butt please. its beginning to get stupid the way you are running this game. ALSO if i may, archers are an available class, if you dont want people to kite, get rid of archers. dont be an idiot, it isnt cute.

    It just happens we are competition, it could be someone else telling far, but far makes the decisions based on what he thinks is right, its like, if male didnt hit at all, knights wouldnt be needed, if its kitable, glads or trixs arent needed, since mages and archers could do the same. Archers are free to kite anything, but bosses are made to be tanked, not kited.. So dont blame far if you dont like a rule he made, for his server, which he runs.
  9. Mh How about we keep elrues the same price, make them stack in 50 instead of 10. and you guys try to buy the item from item mall that doubles the speed making and reduces time. guess it would sumwhat help.. or put the item ig for 1g lol

  10. Oh another tip.. even if you are afk or not, if you can do multi client, you get coins 50 per hour if i aint wrong, at the end of the day thats 1200 coins (ik you prob wont be online 24h) but you can gather enough to buy 2 types of stones, in different chars.. and the other missing you can buy it ig for 10g. saves you 20g.

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