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Found 15 results

  1. Hiya. Since I can't be on all the time, I figured I make this post. In this post I will be listing things I'm selling. However if there's something not here that you want, please drop a post so I can see if I have it. Currently in stock: Weapons: Secret Lab Weapons. (105 Blue Weapons) Lucky House Weapons. (105 Orange Weapons) Magrite Weapons. (100 and 105 Green Weapons) Armour: 105 Malephar Armour. (105 Light Blue Armour) 110 Magrite Armour. (110 Blue Armour) 110 Abyss Armour. (110 Light Blue Armour) 100 Leviathan Nest Armour. (100 Blue Armour) 105 Secret Lab Armour (105 Blue Armour) Jewels: 100 Orange Jewels (100 Orange Earrings, Rings, and Necklace) (High Statted) 100 Noitome Badges (100 Badges) 110 Thor Jewlery (110 Thor Jewel Set) Skins: Level 1 Geo Skins (13% Damage Skins) Level 100 Shard Skins (15% Damage Skins) Level 100 Trans Skins (16% Damage Skins) Cash Shop: 50% Exp Cards (Cheap! 1 card = 2g) There's probably more that I've missed but this is all right now. Interested in anything? Post what you want and if I have it shoot me an offer! Need to contact me quickly? Add me on Skype! Username: zephryum Thanks for reading.~
  2. I remember being promised a new Devildom instance with Level 1 auras. If that ever comes out, will it still be from Devildom Territory? If it does, my suggestions for said auras will be: +25 stat limit Half or 3-4% of the current stat bonus for each aura. --------------------- As we all know, the only place to get a badge is from Noitome and those are Level 100 that are paired with the LN set. My suggestion for a low level badge is to be obtained from Devildom Barracks, a level 50-60 instance. Pretty sure it can't be 100% replicated on here but from what I've seen: Private servers: Boss - Salare look-a-like. Drops: Weapon Skin or something else Official: Mini-Bosses - Lightning Citrie and Fire Citrie. Drops: Level 55 blues and Level 55 Gabriel Jewels? (I forget) What I want to suggest/see: Boss - Salare look-a-like Drops: Level 60 OJ (low chance). Level 60 and 50 Badge. Transparent Weapon Skin (low chance) Mini-Bosses - Lightning Citrie and Fire Citrie Drops for Lightning Citrie: Level 55 Blue Armor piece. Level 60 badge (low chance). Transparent Outfit Piece (low chance) Drops for Fire Cittrie: Level 55 Blue Armor piece. Level 50 badge (low chance). Transparent Outfit Piece (low chance). Max stat for Badges: +30.
  3. Zephry

    Lucky Capsules

    Hi. These are my suggestions for the content in Lucky Capsules. -Should remove T4 HP & SP Potionss -Should remove T5 HP Regeneration Potions -Should remove T4 Strength Purple Potion -Should add HP Soul Stone Carrier II -Should make Hunter War Rants (1 hour) that come from this tradeable and storagable
  4. I was one of those person that saw Core being announced in development (never got into the closed beta, but was really hyped). A good friend was spoiling bits of info every now and then as they made it in, and I was really surprised they had working Mouth pieces (Shadow Fox Mask, Scarfs) which I have never seen in another private server before. The game was really well off during open beta and became hugely popular during official release and I do not regret taking part in playing in such an exclusive server.
  5. What was something you wanted to farm, and it was straight up impossible sometimes? For me, it would have to be Baby Phouches as a mage in 105 ML's. This was before 11x abyss. I farmed for 114 drops but they hit me for so damn hard sometimes and were always a hassle to aggro all together.
  6. Wow. It's been 2 years since this site first opened up on August 8th 2013. This server has come a long way. From Closed Beta Testing, to Open Beta Testing, then Official release. It has had it's up and down. Tons of drama and rivarly. Including great memories. From a player perspective I was always fond of the events, the community, and the content. Of course the content wasn't always on-point, but it was enjoyable. As a private server, this is one of the more professional ones that I've seen. There isn't too much shady stuff going on. Everything is an open book if you're an active player. You can see how and where things are going. I like to thank my homies from Deviant for keeping it cool and locked down for these last 2 years. Love you guys. I like to give a shoutout to Majestic, Rapture/Unlimited, Heretics, Ebola and all you guilds that kept up with raids and PvE/PvP. Server couldn't have been packed if it wasn't for ya. Shoutout to the staff: Luna. Our fashionista and amazing Event host. Your outfits are and will always be amazing. May life bless your road. Mucski for being the biggest noob staff member on Fiesta, not even knowing how to house. xD Spader, for being a cool guy and showing off his Meteor skill when it was still 105 cap. qq Freddy, for working on those 110 Skills and giving a temporary fix for Binding Blow. Anyone who was part of the team that I left out. And our main man: Amor. This dude has performed wonders. Sure, when he updates, it's slow. But this man delivers when he does. And I know the next content update is going to be sick. He's lazy, very lazy. But don't let that fool you. When it comes to developing, this is your guy. Kudos to him for having to deal with our crap and requests for these last 2 years. And the rest of the staff. If you have anything to add on or say, please do so.
  7. What do you do when you log on Core Online? Anything particular you have noticed or discovered? This is a topic where anyone is allowed to post random things about the game. Example: When I logged in the other day I found it surprising there was still people playing, and raiding on top of that! (nothing rude, I just haven't logged on in a bit)
  8. Hi. I've noticed yesterday that Helga really has a .1% chance of dropping his set of OJ's (100) called Kovar and the like. He has a higher chance of dropping regular 100 OJ's instead of the one he usually drops. I want to suggest if the 100 OJ that drop currently (Draco Rings, Black Soul Earrings, etc) be replaced with his own set (Kovar). Thank you for reading.~
  9. As the title of thread is called, I want to suggest a every week, Friday through Sunday, Weekend EXP & Drop Rate boost. Why? This encourages players to get on every weekend, the time where (presumably) a lot players have time off from school or work to make up for what they missed out on during the weekdays. The EXP and Drop Rate boost could be boosted up to an appropriate rate. Example: 50% EXP Boost and 50% Drop Rate Boost. A person leveling can stack a 50% EXP Card with the server's EXP boost. A person farming can stack a 50% Hunter War Rant with the server's Drop Rate Boost. Time to set up the server boosts? 12PM EST. More to addon? I seen a lot of games do this as the weekend is really the time where a lot of the playerbase get on. Thanks for reading.~
  10. Hi. My suggestion (that I believe has been addressed already) is to add HP/SP to 110 Abyss blue. These are Odin file'd blues obtained from 110 abyss that do not have set effects. PvP Reaper - Titan Warlock - Hectic SharpShooter - Aero Holy Knight - Vrax Gladiator - Premsy PvE Spectre - Tragic Wizard - Maxious Ranger - Lesk Guardian - Droster Knight - Tresta
  11. Hi. The Tier 14 & Tier 15 Ingenuity Passive for Tricksters decreased all of my stats (from what I noticed) when it is suppose to raise it. (My def before upgrading the passive was 5009, after upgrading it went down to 4751) The buff you get "Power of love" after getting married does not give you 5% to all stats and raises your stats only when you're in a party. (In party it's suppose to be 10% when with spouse. Without a party 5%)
  12. Hiya. Welcome to another Trickster suggestion thread. In this thread I'll be talking about the enhancement visuals of +11 Claws/Dual Swords and the Odin skill, Slip Away. But first let's dive right into the enhancement visual. +11 Enhancement Visual for Claws. Credit for the picture: Cross +11 Enhancement Visual for Dual Swords. Now, the suggestion I want to make after asking around is for the enhancement visuals of these weapons to follow the same gray/dark/black visual that other weapons get. +11 Enhancement visual for Axe. Credit for the picture: Skunk Before you ask: Are these how they also looked like on retail? No. But when they were first released they didn't appeal much to the mass. It looked lame compared to the ones, like that axe. My only suggestion is if it's possible to change the visuals of the enhancement level into more like the one shown above. --------------------------------------------------- Wow, you read this far? Welcome to the Slip Away skill section. This is an original custom skill that came from the famous Fiesta Odin files. In case you couldn't read that small text: Teleports you 200 meters forward, hiding you for 6 seconds while giving you 10% movement speed. For the next 1 second all attacks will critically hit. Attacking or being hurt while in hide will remove you from hide mode In other private servers that feature this skill, there's usually higher tiers that increased the effect of the skill. What I'm suggesting is to add in the missing tiers of this skill and possibly boosting the duration of the hide mode as the movement speed is (already) increased with the additional tiers. If you read all this, thank you very much. Shout out to Skunk and Cross for providing pictures of your weapons enhancement visuals!
  13. Hi. I would like to complain I never got the reward for this event: Link to Event
  14. This new patch full of content was awesome and all but there's a few things that been bothering me. 1. Psiken in Psiken Mansion: She doesn't drop anything at all, nor do the dogs. She's suppose to drop a series of 114 Green weapons called Psikens. In order to tell the difference from a Chimera and Psiken weapon here you go - (these are not from Core Online) 2. Adealia and Adealia Valley: On your friendlist they're the same map labeled Adealia. The mobs don't drop anything besides Quest Items if you have said quest. This should be changed to where they drop normal mats/gear/weapon/scrolls like any other mob. When you take a quest from Adealia, the quest tracker which shows where the mob is located is awfully wrong. It displays the location on the Town Adealia instead of Adealia Valley where the mob is at. 3. Enhancement Bonuses: Since we have the chance to use 114/110 there's one thing I would like to point out. A 114 Weapon/Armor should not have the same enhancement bonus as a 105 weapon/armor. If you look at the above picture about Chimera and Psiken weapons you'll see why. Here you'll see the difference: (Again not pictures from Core Online. Old too cuz no HP and additional damage on SQ Axe) 4. 110 Reaper Skill Killer's Order deals Magical Damage instead of Physical Damage. How ever this also the same with other trickster skills such as Soul Trap and Harsh Blow. 5. 110 Wizard Skill Meteor deals the meteor damage before it actually falls and consumes x4 more SP than usual. 6. Mobs in Psiken Mansion and Psiken Garden don't give drops such as weapon/armor/mats/town scrolls. 7. Can't use town warp scrolls while in Psiken Mansion and Psiken Garden. 8. Lucky House Guide map is glitched with no way out. 9. Adealia Battle Zone Guard is incorrect. If you enter, you go inside the Forest Perimeter of the Alberstol Ruin Battle Zone Guard which contains 100 Abyss. 10. Where is Level Guard 110 and 120? (I assume abyss zones)
  15. Zephry

    Crusader PVP

    Just a little video I found. It's pretty sick though! Recommended to watch in 720/1080p
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