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Posts posted by Kiwi

  1. Yes, I have a question regarding the Costumes. Will they have all the same stats? Or will they be different?


    Such as the dark knight suit - (Giving PHY DMG / MAGIC DMG)

    And a ninja suit - (Giving Crit)



    Dark knight - (Crit/Dmg)

    Ninja - (Crit/Dmg)



    I'm just wondering, I'd also like to ask other players who read this to give their opinion on it. Which one they like better?


  2. Everything will be up dated, step by step not too fast(i won't update the contents), the class are balanced (i have to admit that Reaper are a bit OP due to the cap, but they don't have any major advantage in dmg/def and pvp is still fair.)

    Thanks ^_^ sounds great!

  3. Gradually introducing new content per cap is a great way to keep players interested. If everything is released at once then we'll do everything we can and get bored of what content we do have. Then complain(Well, most complain.)


    That's why I think the idea of introducing some new content every cap raise is a great idea. Besides it gives the staff time to balance classes per raise. I'm all for this idea.


    Also, it's nice that OLT actually has a purpose, and not just an area we can go kill a few mobs in. I think this server has so much potential. 

  4. Maybe if you had more individuality than me, you wouldn't have take the name of a manga char,my dear, swag is real, manga is fiction, trying to be like a fiction character nowadays is trying to look stupid.


    *gets some ice* For that amazing burn. 


    ~There are some very talented people in these forums. Oh these nice signatures. 

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