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Everything posted by Cheezmoe

  1. Still getting the Error, Idk whats wrong because I have full internet access and everything idk.. Cause I started this server on a different computer on the same internet.. so idk Edit: I just got this error when i tried to open the updater http://gyazo.com/be717896dded5f0840fb7c8a632f27b4 but its not being used
  2. Nah, it still gives me that error, http://gyazo.com/86a745e93ee6a8ee6922601457739d2ais what it gives me still.
  3. I had no idea. Lol, sorry about that. Yeah I tried last night at like 2 am PST and it gave me the same error was it still down?
  4. So I tried downloading and installing on a new computer, and everytime i try to run the launcher it just tells me Connection time out. that's it. Its not being blocked by fire wall cause i put it through exceptions no antivirus. idk what is wrong. help! Windows Vista
  5. Hey everyone, I've been playing Fiesta since Beta (Bijou4lyfe).. And It's the only game to keep pulling me back. I can't seem to find a Pserver that I can stick too because they all go down and eventually die. But I am excited to get back into the grind with new friends and fam! See you all in game > -Cheezy.
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