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Everything posted by CvdHeuvel

  1. Same, cant use skills, and mount goes on 4 minute cd when i relog + 40% of my skills go on cd while not used em.
  2. True, only problem now though, all "geared people left/stopped playing much" so the "ungeared" wont have the help like u had to farm gears.
  3. -claps- Think u misspelled it, thats not dedication, thats called fucking up ur school or in my case my job. But hell what i know i'm not as "dedicated" as you.............
  4. Hello gamemakers and other players i play in the eveing during the week because i have a job and think some/most of u do aswell or have school. I want to help my guild out with the raids as much as i can but most of the times this is a problem. Sometimes the times of me being awake or free from work dont match so i cant help out the guild, Now this sounds all that i want the drops !! BUT, maybe if u change the spawn times to 8 ? or maybe 4 hours ? MORE guilds/people will have a chance to get better gear beacause they have the same problem(s). now u say in ur head "go do the ML instance" far ive heard/tried its impossible for most people to do it without the ML gear (not sure if possible then) So my question is (if u didnt get above story): Can u please change the spawn times of Malephar (and possible other "World Bosses" i dont have knowledge of) ?? Thanks to all for reading this and <3 u all Greetings, Me
  5. Hello game makers (or however u call it) and players from the server I would love to see : - Mrs. Buffsalot added in main towns (Roumen/Elderine/Uruga/AR) For those who dont know what it is, its an NPC that gives an Endure[01] or higher to people that come in range. - NPC with HP/SP stones in dungeons (OLT/TOS/TR etc etc) like the one in FBZ1 - NPC with scrolls in main towns (Roumen/Elderine/Uruga/AR) well thats it, rest i like the game very much thanks Greetings, Me
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