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Everything posted by MagnusRex24

  1. You might as well slice my throat open ,put me in a bag, set it on fire then put it in a space ship.
  2. nooooooooooooooooooooooooo he beat me to it!!!!!!
  3. got to bring out the big guns
  4. the pedo faces are to much for me
  5. ^ "just a pig chasing skin"
  6. "Forget it im just dreaming so it dont matter"
  7. "Or am i in a dream inside a dream inside a dream?"
  8. "or i'm in a dream inside a dream?"
  9. "I took a knife and basically cut myself the end"
  10. "10 years ago I was minding my own business happily running down the street one afternoon"
  11. "You wanna know how i get these scars?"
  12. "Im just a dog chasing cars"
  13. Thanks all and welcome Lanius!!
  14. MagnusRex24


    Covenant Master: MagnusRex What's up people seeing as the server is somewhat on its way out, I just want to start a guild for those not yet in one or just want a leveling/farm/chill guild once the game is up and running. Just like any other guild we will have rules that all will adhere too. RULES: 1: No downtalking or derogatory comments to any guild member. Its one thing to joke but don't go overboard. Treat others with respect treat our own even better. 2: No Kill Stealing or Killing other guild members or allies if we were to get any. 3: No constant begging for anything. 4: Do not go looking to start mess with other guilds. Somethings are just bound to happen but looking for it is a no no. Respect other guilds even if they don't garner it. 5: Be active when you can. I understand everyone got something going on because we all have lives but just let someone know beforehand if you're going to be out awhile. Raids & Farming: 100% participation from all those who can (raid)on at the time especially in the early goings of the game. Although I want to raid if we don't have enough people to compete, we won't worry until we do. But everyone is required to farm no being lazy waiting on gear and weapons to go in Guild Storage. If someone wants to be kind and put some in GS then you may acquire it by asking an admin or me. Farming will be number 1 priority after everyone cap and forward . Last But Not Least: Once the game up just hit me up if you want to join but until then do it here and like to thank you for reading this and much respect to all. Name: Class: How Active: Level: If you want to apply for admin pm me on the website I only want like 5 or 4. I'm going to set up skype some time later. AND LIKE THAT IM OUT!!!!!!!
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