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Posts posted by Irix

  1. After plvling a friend today i wanted to suicide to loose exp cause as many people know i mostly play permanent char for the new instance as well.But when i went to suicide i realized that i was loosing only 0.33% instead of 10~50% i loose normally and it took me actually about 40 minutes of suicide to can go during 1h30 in CC to be back another 40 minutes at suiciding.

  2. I want to know if im the only one that wish that mobs in kq give 1 exp thinking that nobody use kq to lvl  only to farm different items from chest and vault rewards
    Too sometimes i want to do kq for boredom with friend but cant cause of the too high exp

  3. Put the prize for PvP KQ as a rare aura. (10% chance to get one) That way, people can join and try to get it.

    Amazing idea i must admit Valiant x) maybe 4-6% drop rate tought :P like crown is under 1% and see how it being to be popular slowly(people start to sell gold crown) or even 1-2% but for everyone participant cause cleric life is hard in pvp kq and me as a perm if i do pvp kq i know my chance to finish first compared to alot of player

  4. Maybe depending of drop rate of different jewels lowed at some point it would be nice cause i agree enhacement of ring go alot of time in str and int for same jewel and thinking the way a 60 orange jewels would do this it would be annoying cause of the low drop rate compared to lvl100 orange that seem a joke to drop

  5. Suggestions on Improving the population and my own bias guard comments (:


    What can we do ? Tell our friends ? Sure but still we need a kinda "force voting" system

    Say a vote is 50 coins and able to vote every hour means 1200 coins per DAY,

    yes it is a lot so I would suggest every two hours but I trust you will come up with a more calculated number ^^ 


    Another suggestion is about guards having their skill "Rebirth" not only just revive the player but the player will keep their buffs/scrolls/pots And have the "Revive" skill to be in the death box ~ Because personally I believe not only just I have pressed Esc key, making the revive option disappear.


    My last suggestion would be about a possibly having a raid boss for perms may it be for 50/56/66/76 Dropping Orange jewelry for the said level. 


    Appreciate the soon to be Guild Tournament ! & The shield skins


    Edit* I agree with balance's post about admins being able to kick academy members ~ But! we need more than just that ! We need a new ranking ! or Edit past rankings making it so not just one person can access the guild storage ~ It is an active problem that one person cannot be on all the time ! "Make guard the old admin make admins the normal admin rights and access to "Guild storage~

    White for your own knowledge topofgames.com is a 12h cast vote FarbodD cant put it every 1h but the idea is still interessing but online time + vote bonus coins would need a certain adjustement having stuff too easy personally its not fun to me


    Forcing people to vote will annoy some of them slow coins for being online rate "a bit" and increase vote coins value (People wont complain about voting after that)

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